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  1. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    205lb. I feel a lot better - didnt realize how uncomfortable I was always feeling muggy. Skin feels like its a little thinner than when I stopped but is probably getting offset with glycogen reserves filling back up. Had a bunch of carbs on Fathers day w/ no sides from the DNP lingering in my...
  2. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    204.5 last night. Ill post one more time on Monday when this stuff should be out of my system completely.
  3. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    Make it 13lbs. last night weigh in was 205 - trickling down. 36hr half life so probably still working.
  4. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    Tues (day14 cont) Workout was fatigued a bit. felt good by the time I was done again but feel like Im dead weight still. everyone at work complaining of the heat in the office so I know its not *just me. though Im sure its worse for me... doing it again Ill be sure its sub-60 degrees outside...
  5. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    Monday (day 13) - dropped back down to 2 caps/day (200mgs total). felt pretty good all day. diet was the same; felt really weak in my workout at first; just felt flat - like I was dead weight. I did seem to hit another gear halfway through and by the time I was done I felt pretty good. not amped...
  6. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    It’s a bit crazy – I was so unsure about trying dnp – there are so many people warning of its certain doom for those taking it….. Im not convinced; in fact quite the opposite. Knock on wood, after being on for more than a week and a half I feel for all intents and purposes, normal. I am warm as...
  7. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    Ok – so as I wrote several times in this ‘I am not interested in increasing my dose’ so you know what is coming haha; after my 4pm dose on Friday I felt completely ‘normal’ – as I had said before, maybe a little cozy-warm but not sweating like crazy. I decided to take another ~8pm in addition...
  8. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    I think I am off on my day count haha. I was working backwards and felt like yesterday was Friday.... bad sign. going to take a half day today to compensate. sleeping better last night; not nearly as warm. body really is making adjustments to this dose. still have no want to change/up it...
  9. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    Took my 4pm dose @100mgs; headed home about an hour later. A lot of energy - not feeling strong per se but bouncy. however, as soon as I try to run along side my danes Im quickly laboring for breath. ate dinner, took 10pm dose and actually popped back up to 211.5lbs. I did slam a huge glass...
  10. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    a total of 2 weeks or so I think. originally planned 5/29-6/12; 200mgs ED split 100mgs every 12 hours. If I am still losing weight at a good clip I might extend another week or two but if I plateau Ill stop and save the rest of the caps for another year. I just about stopped after 4 days due to...
  11. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    a total of 2 weeks or so I think. If I am still losing weight at a good clip I might extend another week or two but if I plateau Ill stop and save the rest of the caps for another year.
  12. cytis01

    DNP Post Hoc Log

    Been a while since I posted – a while back I requested some comparative information between ECA/Clen/Aqua Burn/and DNP. I have been sitting on a bottle of APEX research DNP from Apollo for quite a while – continued to do as much research on the substance as I could. A lot of good information...
  13. cytis01

    Extend PCT w/ HCG?

    Presser - I know your question wasnt for me; but found out a bit ago my wifey is prego! turns out that happened right at the very end of my clomid and torem~ good stuff!
  14. cytis01

    Gym rules- defined by you 1 at a time.

    My #1 by FAR (cant believe nobody has said this yet)..... GET OFF YOUR FUC#$^ING PHONE!!!! I want to punch every idiot I see on facebook taking 5 minutes between sets. the other week I saw some dips#it playing online poker! I told him to get off the machine; and he did.
  15. cytis01

    GW1516, also known as GW501516

    So MR - what was your opinion on this specifically (GW501516) or also MK2866 'Ostarine' if you have any input on that as well? Curious what you have seen/heard or experienced.
  16. cytis01

    GW1516, also known as GW501516

    Yes! most definitely! Sorry I have been off this board for a while; the switch to the new site lost my auto-login and I couldnt figure out where the hell the 'forgot password' link was. finally got it! Anyway - yes. As I discussed in my initial post when I started I had hit a plateau. Since...
  17. cytis01

    GW1516, also known as GW501516

    haha - sliders Presser. they are mini burgers. not typical food for me when Im trying to clean up but Id have looked like an ass in front of our partners being the only guy not eating. I hate eating close to lifting; kills my workouts. the mini burgers were held to minimal damage. I was...
  18. cytis01

    GW1516, also known as GW501516

    Second day on; definitely more punch at the gym. Unfortunately I ate prior to working out due to an impromtu celebration by my office. That typically kills my workouts having sliders and wings before hitting weights and cardio. While I wasnt quite as amped as the prior day my tank felt full...
  19. cytis01

    GW1516, also known as GW501516

    Rats 1st Day - hit same lifts Ive been doing past 3 weeks. Been feeling a plateau; perhaps even fatigued. Anyway - 10mgs of GW501516 and 25mgs of MK2866 an hour before their usual evening workout. They said both taste like complete ass but half a ml of each was ok to get down. Felt no different...
  20. cytis01

    GW1516, also known as GW501516

    Starting my rat on GW 501516 tomorrow. this thread had caused me concern for his health but reading a study published in the diabetes has swayed me to begin research. A snippet below I found very interesting. Basically states there were no side effects from GW501516 besides one...