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  1. toppjimie

    First Time Test E Cycle

    Test only cycle is a good start.You should gain some good muscle. Good Luck bro
  2. toppjimie

    Rich Putnam Benches 1000lbs!

    WOW,now thats strong!
  3. toppjimie

    Reintroduce Myself

    Dont know if i did a intro when i joined way back but Hello Everyone! Im an old time lifter (57) still hitting the weights and Gym 5 days a week and maintain my weight at 205.Had a major knee replacement last year that set me back a ways but Im hitting em hard now.I started the new year with a...
  4. toppjimie

    Blasting and cruising

    if your going to cruse on test,use a longer ester like cyp or Decanate,200mg every 2 weeks...