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  1. M

    Collateral Damage

    Hes a natural ectomorph! Easy to stay lean.
  2. M

    Anyone else addicted to ECA STACKS

    I cycle it also so i dont get hooked. I experience a "happiness"type thing when I take it,which has been for the last 4 years. I dont know if there is a dopamine surge from it or why it has this effect on me????? I feel alot better when on then off.:D
  3. M


    I ran the oral 5mg(thai) and IMO they are the shit!!! I stacked this with tren and put on 16 pounds on a 2wk on 4wk off type of cycle......I respond better to oral winstrol(25mgEOD) than anything Ive tried! cholesterol(HDL) went from 265 to 320:mad: .I also had head trobs...
  4. M

    twis 68 pics what do you think???

    Great Job! You have great leg development that complements your physique. We have almost identical stats(5-9,195@30yrs old here)...........except for my puny quads. :mad: Keep the pics coming, this gives encouragment!
  5. M

    Best tasting protien

    optimum chocolate and Human Dev.55 strawberry
  6. M

    strength only cycle

    I am running halo(10mgED) and tren(60mgEOD) on a cutting cycle;ie,low calories,cardio,etc....and my strength has gone up everyday(body weight about 4lb).....on day 6 now! Advise the ALA,primrose and milk thistle, 2 gallons water daily.:D
  7. M

    Anyone drink crystal light?

    Yes Presser gives me a headache also. The lemonade is good though!:D
  8. M

    GH Export

    Cool link!
  9. M

    Will clomid stop "fina dick"?

    Thanks for the input!:)
  10. M

    Will clomid stop "fina dick"?

    Hows everyone doing? Want to start up my cutting cycle soon using tren and halos......I know,I know, I must hate my liver,but rest assured I am taking precautions;ie,ala and milk thisle. I know this will shut me down hard,but I will be taking 50mg clomid ED for my cholesterol.Will this be enough...
  11. M

    New to the board

  12. M


    My username comes from my "wonderful"job I love so much(that was a joke).....the "proto"type dept......I get to make lots of things that dont work,and some that do;ie;squat racks,dumbell holders,four wheeler parts,harley parts and various other "GOVT"jobs.:D
  13. M

    Fairly new here. gimme a welcome

    Welcome! Im not really new just dont post alot! Best source for information is MC!
  14. M

    Cholesterol meds and AAS

    Thanks for the info! This explains what happened to my ldl count. Once again this is a great board for logical and factual info!!!:)
  15. M

    Cholesterol meds and AAS

    Hi all! Just had a cholesterol test the past year it has rocketed to 320(ldl)(was 265) body fat 2 % higher now. Now me being 30 yrs, old the good doctor wants to get this down with lipitor. I know from my little bit of researsch that lipitor is hepatoxic and results in regular...
  16. M

    Overtraining Thread

    Are you "chemically assisted"??? If you are and your nutrition is on target then I would say no. Must people lack from underrecovery than overtraining. You may find you respond better from a high number of sets. I myself work in the 60-80% of max. range and cannot log that many sets. Looks good bro!
  17. M

    How many fitness boards do you post on

    Elite, fitness board,finaboard and this one. I used to like elite before the fees for the free pics....... but you also have people over there who use nolvadex to stop "fina"gyno!!!Very knowledgable posts on this board!!!!!:confused:
  18. M

    Tell us how you found MC

    fitness board