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    Boladrol (7,17a-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol) Profile, Designer Steroid review how to guide

    At 4-5mg of bola it’s similar to 500 mcg of Mtren. In my opinion It’s good for like a 2 week blast or a break through . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    I love them together. It just depends how sensitive you are to the estrogen sides. You want to fuck everything you see. You will swell and to dry out drop the Trest or run Mast with it . Trest is like Deca and Tren together. You just need to know how it treats you. Like Tren. Sent from my...
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    It's been almost 3 years

    I would agree. If your older I would go back on Test and small amount of Deca . It takes awhile to kick in but it will help the recovery big time and your joints . Don’t be trying to do PR s but let it help you recover from the change in activity. In 8 weeks in you can raise the dose as your...
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    Mix dbol anadrol help.

    A lot of guys have stomach issues especially if you have used orals awhile. Inj orals get around some of those stomach issues. I know it does for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Love it !! I don’t run it high any more because of sides . I’ll run Dien enth with it or Trest and Mast and it’s still great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Ment (trest ace) no impact on prostate and red blood cells!!

    I have used it with no test several times and feel fine. I rather the enth or Deca version for that though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Boladrol (7,17a-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol) Profile, Designer Steroid review how to guide

    About a year ago some one that was part of Celtic made a run copying Celtics version. It sold out quick and was 1 and done. I still have a few left. It’s similar to Mtren for me dosing is a little higher though in my opinion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Love Ment. ESP being older I think it works better than Deca because you get a combo of like a Test Tren Deca combo. I don’t have the high estrogen issues like others but it also don’t upset my stomach like Tren does. And it keeps you super horny. Joints stay nice and lubed like Deca. One of...
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    Libido, Gear and the Ladies

    Has anyone used Octycin for a female libido increase? What dose did you use if so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    I loved Mechabol. It had that feel good feeling like Dbol but wasn’t as wet and still good gains. It was a good designer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Best Roid/Combo for Sex Drive

    Yes she is !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Best Roid/Combo for Sex Drive

    Test, Trest , Tren, Mast. It’s fucken insane!! And I swear certain girls can smell your hormones coming out of your body and just want to fuck you !! Not every girl but yes certain ones . Like fucking a girl and she passes out because she cums so hard and when she wakes up she says fuck me...
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    Dbol or Oxy

    I like running them both at a lower dose as well. Kicks in great ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Testosterone Pellets???

    I would stay on oil to control it more. Sounds like your doc has a kick back from the pharm CO doing the pellets. I’m sure they cost way more than oil too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Trenbolone Cycle Information.Trenbolone Acetate / Trenbolone Enanthate

    Also can run the Tri Tren longer. Running just Ace my stomach turns into a mess 6-8 wks and lose all desire to eat and just horrible heart burn. I know Tren is Tren but bodies are also picky. LOL Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Trenbolone Cycle Information.Trenbolone Acetate / Trenbolone Enanthate

    Yes ace I get the cough almost every time any where it’s pined. Recently tried Tri Tren Blend ,Ace ,Enth ,Hex and no cough at all. Also less sweat sides as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. B

    Guys who say they fuck for over an hour are

    Got that slayer. Since I started gear I'm much longer to nut and the fucking is more aggressive. And I found out if you have a girl that has never experienced sex like that, you can actually fuck her into cumming until she passes out from the orgasms. Literally out cold. The first time I...
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    New Sale Prices on Buy 4 and Buy 6 IGF-1 Lr3

    Damn straight ! Mid aged , roided and Naked !! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New Sale Prices on Buy 4 and Buy 6 IGF-1 Lr3

    Hey summers coming baby , gotta look good naked !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New Sale Prices on Buy 4 and Buy 6 IGF-1 Lr3

    All to good. I'm in on this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk