Search results

  1. RagingWhoreMoan

    DASCA PASSES End of Prohormones

    The Designer Steroid Control Act of 2014 (H.R. 4771), the latest in a long line of legislative actions intended to bring an end to the sale of anabolic steroids, was passed by a voice vote in the House of Representatives recently. The bill still needs to pass the Senate before being signed into...
  2. RagingWhoreMoan

    Viagra before show

    cialis for vascularity
  3. RagingWhoreMoan

    New Year Programming HELP

    So I have been doing PPL since early October I am going away for the holidays, so I will be taking a nice break I am prob going to be trying some SARMs in Jan I will make a new post to discuss stack when it gets closer I am curious as to some suggestions for new programs Right now I am...
  4. RagingWhoreMoan

    Hormone manipulation for fast weight loss, fact ot fiction?

    I just started ALCAR- L-Carnitine Go read up on it Used to be popular to stack with ALA Otherwise- ECA Fasted Cardio on yohimbine
  5. RagingWhoreMoan

    wrist straps I use these I had pain before I got them No longer in pain and has actually gotten better
  6. RagingWhoreMoan

    Bostin Loyd Transformation thoughts on stack??

    I know not everyone is a fan In fact most people think he is crazy/dumb I am just curious what people thinkk about his stack? How does it compare to IFBB pros?
  7. RagingWhoreMoan

    Compounding prohormones and AAS?

    There is a lot of new ph/ds i prefer the quasi legality so trest is the new kid on the block used as a test base it has wetter(read estro) qualities needs an AI then you have your oxime dplex, even superdrol oxime What are you goals and maybe I can suggest something for your next run?
  8. RagingWhoreMoan

    Compounding prohormones and AAS?

    Superdrol was king But it is a DS not a PH As for adding something to AAS (read Test) I would say it depends on goals and access to other stuff So Turnibol is better than Halodrol but not everyone has access Anavar is more proven than Epi but more expensive DBOL is proven, all the clones are...
  9. RagingWhoreMoan

    Clen Dosing Help?

    My fault then So what is it that I have then.. Aqua-burn? lol I have to dig out the bottle. I decided that I am doing fine natty right now Just gonna wait for the new year at this point
  10. RagingWhoreMoan

    Transdermal basics

    I have only ran 11 oxo transdermally I did not notice any increase I am going to take the rest I have orally People rave about transdermal trest
  11. RagingWhoreMoan

    Push Pull Routine

    So I decided to modify the legs portion. I have been doing that routine since October. For december I have adapted the legs into: Push-Legs Squat/Hack Squat/Front Squat Leg Press Walking Lunge/IsoLunge Leg Extension Calves Pull-Legs Deadlift/TrapBar/Sumo Stiff Lift Dead Lift Good Morning Leg...
  12. RagingWhoreMoan


    Really?? I am suprised always read it was toxic as hell but effective like superdrol
  13. RagingWhoreMoan

    Pro-hormone stacks for Cutting, Mass and Strength Cycles

    I can post up some info on Trest later I am sitting on a ton of MENT right now But I have yet to try it
  14. RagingWhoreMoan

    Prohormone stacks

    I ran halo for 6 weeks I stacked with superdrol Week 1-3 10 mg SD/ 75 mg halo Week 4-6 75 mg halo I did not notice the cutting effects of halo But I would say it was decent
  15. RagingWhoreMoan

    Pro-hormone stacks for Cutting, Mass and Strength Cycles

    I ran halo for 6 weeks I stacked with superdrol Week 1-3 10 mg SD/ 75 mg halo Week 4-6 75 mg halo I did not notice the cutting effects of halo But I would say it was decent
  16. RagingWhoreMoan


    I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e’s. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will...
  17. RagingWhoreMoan

    Blood Work Information

    You just had some blood work done, and the friggin' doctor or his nurses are guarding the results as if they're state secrets. However, after much cajoling and explaining that you'd like to at least be an informed partner in your own goshdarn health care, they begrudgingly give you a copy of...
  18. RagingWhoreMoan

    Clen Dosing Help?

    I was asking about CLEN I am not on any hormone at the moment so T3 is out of the question I am actually considering Ostarine for January I will post some info up later
  19. RagingWhoreMoan

    What is post-cycle therapy?

    What is post-cycle therapy? Natural production of testosterone is controlled by the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA). When the body senses the need for testosterone, the HPTA releases GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone), which signals the release of LH (Luteinizing Hormone)...
  20. RagingWhoreMoan

    Prohormone stacks

    Prohormone stacks Here are a number of prohormone stacks for those who are new to prohormones and attempting to reach various goals. The dosages given are general recommendations for a first cycle, and can be decreased for extra caution and increased on subsequent cycles if desired effects are...