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  1. jbiggs

    What do you consider to be responsible use?

    Three months on three months off. No need to rush it.
  2. jbiggs

    just visited lab-corp

    What are most doing for post cycle M-1-T?
  3. jbiggs

    Muscle Chesmistry Sponsoring me for the Mr. Minnesota

    Post a pic so i know who to chear for.
  4. jbiggs

    New Sponsor For Top Quality Wrist Straps. Check Them Out!

    I've used them for heavy d-lifting only and have never had a problem. They are by far the best I've used.
  5. jbiggs

    Some progress pics...

    Looking SOLID. We have similiar stats and build, but I can't seem to put it together quite the way you have. = MOTIVATION for me.
  6. jbiggs

    dp's pic

    You look ripped! what are your stats?
  7. jbiggs

    Drug Profiles?

    Great info Thanx
  8. jbiggs

    Methylated Hormone 17a-Methyl-1-Testosterone

    Has anyone noticed a diff between M-1-T in a liquid -vs- tab form?
  9. jbiggs


  10. jbiggs

    MC Members

  11. jbiggs

    It must be done.....

    God Bless the families of 9-11 and those still in the fight. Semper Fi
  12. jbiggs

    Hair products.

    Nizoralman is great. Products seem to work well and he is as professional as they come.
  13. jbiggs

    Dear Civilians

    As a former marine I give a big bump. Would like to add: "Nobody said freedom would be free."
  14. jbiggs

    Damn vets

    Yea, I bought myself several rounds after that one.
  15. jbiggs

    Damn vets

    I was hitting golf balls in the back yard and my dog was fetching them back to me. Anyways I popped one up and she caught it in her mouth and it went straight down her throat. It cost me $700 to have the ball removed.
  16. jbiggs

    does added bodywieght make you snore?

    According to my DR, men have a tendency to store some fat in the little fleshy growth at the back of the throat. So when bulking you will snore more due to an increase in the obstruction.
  17. jbiggs

    Vaslo Clen

    Does anybody have a picture of Vaslo Clen (.04 mcg)? Also does anyone have any experience or opinion on quality? Thanx