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  1. Zao

    Using Anavar As A Bridge?

    Therapeutic use of anavar (5 to 10 mg/ day) don't interact with hpta and can be use to bridge. Don't forget what is use for : muscles wasting diseases!
  2. Zao

    What can you Tell me about Prednisone on steroid cycle?

    Long term Ephedrine use fuck your sinus... Stay away from eca somme weeks.
  3. Zao

    What Steroids are Best for MMA Fighter to Use for endurance and Strength?

    For ppl drugs tested: epo and hgh, you can found protocals to pass drugs test.
  4. Zao

    Dianabol and Oxymetholone Inj Recipe...

    What are the benefit to use them as injectable?
  5. Zao

    Oral Liquid Recipes

    Testesterone acetate oraly active?!
  6. Zao

    The Dude and Silk are back! Good to be here!

    Welcome back Dude!
  7. Zao

    Arimistane: A powerful OTC Aromatase Inhibitor

    Non, Arimisrane: Androst 3,5-dien-7,17-dione 3-deoxy-7-oxo- DHEA
  8. Zao

    Need some help ASAP on my tren ace

    The melting point of tren ace is around 94-96 C, if you put your baker in boiling water if it melt or not.
  9. Zao

    Need some help ASAP on my tren ace

    Dry it, this not plastic cut gear shit?
  10. Zao

    16 Week Tren Ace, Cypionate, Primo, Deca, MC igf-1lr3 & Ancillaries

    I never use tren but maybe if you use 25-50 ED it's better for your cardio and sleep apnea. Tren still a strong anabolic even in low dose.
  11. Zao

    Proviron, Stacking and Use:

    Proviron is a good add for any cycle or HRT.
  12. Zao

    First Anavar cycle ever in 22 years of gear

    Be patient, your strengh will grow up :-)
  13. Zao

    AndroGel Profile (Transdermal Testosterone)

    It's before the "androgel reviews" part.
  14. Zao

    AndroGel Profile (Transdermal Testosterone)

    It refers to and
  15. Zao

    AndroGel Profile (Transdermal Testosterone)

    Why put advertising links in this article ?
  16. Zao

    First Anavar cycle ever in 22 years of gear

    Yeah, i don't remember exactly (all test, deca, npp, tren, ...).
  17. Zao

    First Anavar cycle ever in 22 years of gear

    You will love anavar...
  18. Zao

    Small Amounts of Crystallization in Anavar

    Do you made it? Which recipe? I never succeed to have a full dilution of anavar.
  19. Zao

    Home gym/dropped my gym membership!

    Thank, laidable girls in mu gym can be count with one hand...