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  1. G

    Test Ace crash. Help with conversoin

    Oh I was at 100mg per cc.
  2. G

    Test Ace crash. Help with conversoin

    On a side note I never spend much time on having the solution melted for a time specific. I always add to the powder the ba/bb and heat slowly. Once is all melted and clumps out I add the GSO and heat a little longer just to help filter. I never had a crash and if anything I'm done cyp more...
  3. G

    Test Ace crash. Help with conversoin

    I bet I had it around 140 for at least 20 minutes. I filtered right into the vials crimped them then handed them off to a guy. Few days later he sent me pics of it with crystals in it. I yet to get them back so I can heat up and add some bb to it. They migrated to another state. I do have...
  4. G

    Test Ace crash. Help with conversoin

    Hey new here this is first post. Been brewing many many years and first time with Test Ace. Some buddies wanted to try it. Well I did the 3/20 BA BB and it's has crystals in the bottom. I used GSO only with the BA/BB. Made 200cc's. Anyone have suggestion on how to save this batch? I also...