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  1. B

    Best TNE recipe

    This recipe will hold 100mg TNE all day.
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    crystals or fiber in filtered product

    Never seen that in any of your brews huh? haha impressive... I've only been brewing for a few months now so im just actually learning the whole process.... Would love to see those results, who'd you send your gear off to that reported 212mg?
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    crystals or fiber in filtered product

    Yea believe me im a freak about my shit too hahahaha trust me, I buy filtered USP oil usually only. Even then I filter my oils, my solvents, co's all individually prior to even mixing them and filtering through the .22um for its final filtering. Nothing wrong with being over cautious, people can...
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    February lottery winner announcement here

    Congrats brotha! That trips me out because I told myself to try a order sequence and shit you not 9-6-3 or 3-6-9 was exactly what I thought of.... GOD DAMMIT! Moral of the story! FOLLOW YOUR GUT! "Choose numbers that you think others won't choose..." That method can kiss my ass..... I'll go with...
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    cut blend 300

    So it's crashing in depot obviously vicious, but prior to the pip that rises 2 days later, it's smooth? Well... Should be a simple fix. Could be that your sensitive to the prop ester yes.... but you wouldn't necessarily see the pain rise 2 days later... That's more of a sensitivity that with...
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    cut blend 300

    oh so you mean you added everything but the raws together, heated and mixed nicely, then what as it was in a hot water bath you slowly added the raws in bit by bit? let it all cool waited to see if it'd crash, was GTG so you filtered it cold right? so far so good? I like the recipe I wonder if...
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    Powder Conversion Recipies

    looks like suckin the ... didnt get you much of anything huh... hahaha
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    cut blend 300

    Hey PG! I like the sound of this one, whatd you dose it at? mind sharing your ratio's for recipe?
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    Found this on a pharmaceutical Technology Co. LTD site

    Hey brother how'd your D-bol work out??? You ever try your second recipe? Hope to hear you had some good results and a positive experience bro
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    crystals or fiber in filtered product

    if you heat it up what happens? are the particles or crystals, which ever or what ever you truly believe they may be, still visible?
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    crystals or fiber in filtered product

    no need to trash it bro run it through one more time .45um should do it, if your going to use it or not id still filter it once more to see wtf.... what'd you filter it through? PVDF? thats why I only use PTFE man...
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    EO, Guayacol and poly 80 with PTFE?

    btw the answer which bothers the hell out of me that it took this long for someone to answer this dam simple question, cmon guys stop being such pricks, do what you joined the forum for and to do.. take knowledge in and pass it out where you can, and leave the ego's somewhere else other then in...
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    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    pretty sure he told me his powders are from china
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    muscle depot powder review

    pretty sure he told me his powders are from china
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    anavar solo run

    oh dam my bad man I didnt know that honestly, but what is hidden links exactly if you dont mind educating me haha so I know in the future, would it be like one of those "click me" and clicking that would say take you to Google or something? wish I could or would have known it was a pretty...
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    anavar solo run

  17. B

    anavar solo run

    dude 100% solid advice, there really isnt much more advice that should be given in my eyes really, ive ran it solo, and got absolutely amazing results off it when I ran it at 50mg ED with 100mg test P EOD. But when I ran it solo, again 50mg a day, I without a doubt got the exact results I...
  18. B

    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    Cant wait to find out my boys! just shot him a message in regards! And! Homeboys one thats stocked with Rips again, ive been waiting for long enough! RIIIPPPSSS!!!! Hahaha any new news on these? just as fire as the last before they bounced? cheers, and look forward to doing business my man! ill...