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    Raloxifene hydrochloride SERM pct potential benefit on health, recovery & gyno cure

    Digged this old post , any recent users ,who used it ,if they can put their input would be great, thanks
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    Pramipexole withdrawal syndrome

    I checked it on ur your saying it was 116/70
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    Pramipexole withdrawal syndrome

    I was good for a day and after that for 2 days its totally flat,lol!
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    Pramipexole withdrawal syndrome

    Hello friends so my last shot of tren ace was on 20th March, and I am on 200mg/week test and 6.25mg aroma 2× week since then, I continued taking prami around 0.37.5mg/day till April 5th. Before that my libido, sex drive was sky high but after 1day of dropping prami I can't have an erection, if...
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    Corona shit

    You nailed it bro people act so inhuman and selfish, I went to Walmart , in parking lot only in my line there were 6 to 8 pairs of disposable gloves flying around, this is insane, it's like only I should be safe rest everyone should die.
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    Corona shit

    FTS man , this fukin shit changed the whole life style , its frustrating
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    Type of Cardio you do and when can influence your results

    Exactly that's wat makes me run every day 6 km
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    Blood results + cycle

    Ur test is quite low according to 31 yrs , but on those low doses u might feel a little elevated libido elsewise no noticeable gains , I tried real low doses after being clean for 3 yrs could hardly feel anything but that's me , goodluck man
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    Personal Bests! Achieved the 4 min mile.

    That's great, how much u weight
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    8 weeks on progress

    So family I am back with my dumb opinions, questions,. On for 8 weeks now , first 4 weeks were shitty as was not using AI and hit by lump but that's resolved now , so now I am on 750 test/ 400 npp / 0.125 mcg prami, 25 mg aroma on pin days else 12.5 , diet is very strict high protein...
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    E2 high and noodle doodle

    Thanks for the help help folks, all is perfect now , I guess low dose is not for me , bumped up test to 750mg and npp 400 mg , pin every other day helps, just using 25 mg aroma on pin days and 12.5 aroma on non pin daysand 0.10mcg prami and nolva 10 mg eod bcoz I had a flare in right nip it's...
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    E2 high and noodle doodle

    Should I lower the test, I raised arimidex to 1.5mg/day and its working, should I switch to 25 mg aroma ,
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    E2 high and noodle doodle

    Hello folks , I got the blood done and E2 was little high opposed to wat I was thinking that I crashed it, anyways I am on 360 test / 180 npp week ,0.5 arimidex, 0.10mg prami and 20 nolva ( as a little lump started bcoz I was not using any AI for first 2 weeks) the libido is good, I get...
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    Nolvadex: For the Sake of Muscle Gain

    Good read,I am on 20 mg nolva on cycle bcoz I had gyno flare, it has almost resolved the little lump in 3 weeks, zero water retention and less gains but if someone compete in weight category, very good as it doesn't let you gain weight, just my experience
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    Got sick with ancillaries

    Thanks bro for your valuable advice and you know PRESSER you are the biggest bugger here lol!
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    Got sick with ancillaries

    I fully wish u win the bet bro, but other day I was reading a study that too low e2 with tamoxifen can cause UTI by affecting the urethra but that is in women anyways as soon as I get rid of the infection I got to fix the lump first I have zero and adex both in hand now but it's funny the...
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    Got sick with ancillaries

    Very right will deal with infection 1st and keep test jus 100mg every 8th day till things are back to normal