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  1. Area 1255

    Proviron Profile - What you need to know.

    Provirons one of my favorite AAS, hands down. Really helps with the grainy, cut look. Improves forearm and shoulder vascularity quite a 'bit! For me, at least.
  2. Area 1255

    Androgens, Estrogens and Psychosis : Taking a Different Turn and a Stab at the Truth! (Androgens, Estrogens Dopamine 2018)

    Thanks brother! Looks my recent one from 5 mins ago is getting "Moderated" too...must be an Auto-thing since you guys upgraded the forum...though this place does look better! :D Its titled : Sex Chromosomes, Chromosome Disorders And Brain/Psychiatric Disorders (Area-1255 EXCLUSIVE!)
  3. Area 1255

    Sex Chromosomes, Chromosome Disorders And Brain/Psychiatric Disorders (Area-1255 EXCLUSIVE!)

    Sex Chromosomes, Chromosome Disorders And Brain/Psychiatric Disorders (Area-1255 EXCLUSIVE!) ORIGINAL ARTICLE LINK WITH REFERENCES/CITATIONS INTACT ::: ::: A study based on the findings of researchers at Uppsala...
  4. Area 1255

    Androgens, Estrogens and Psychosis : Taking a Different Turn and a Stab at the Truth! (Androgens, Estrogens Dopamine 2018)

    Original Article Link --> Androgens, Estrogens and Psychosis : Taking a Different Turn and a Stab at the Truth! (Androgens, Estrogens Dopamine 2018) As we've written in our article Androgens and Depression : Are they...
  5. Area 1255


    Nice post, I don't think there has been one like this that listed them all out there in an easy-to-read fashion!
  6. Area 1255

    The beginners basic steroid cycle. Great size and strength first time cycle. Test, deca, dbol, and arimidex

    Turinabol + Test Enan/Prop + Proviron was my first cycle. Don't feel bad.
  7. Area 1255

    Reviews wanted!

    I've heard good things about them both!
  8. Area 1255

    YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor that actually works.

    I achieved fairly decent results with it. Still got a few unopened bottles here! Won't kick into them though until next cycle. - - - Updated - - - And I guess you could argue anybody including them in a cycle would confound the results a little bit lol!
  9. Area 1255

    The beginners basic steroid cycle. Great size and strength first time cycle. Test, deca, dbol, and arimidex

    Nice chart! I agree with it. Proviron actually might be a good add too.
  10. Area 1255

    Gaia Ethnobotanical is #1!!!!!!

    I want those Kava capsules too!
  11. Area 1255

    Reviews wanted!

    This goes for all products?
  12. Area 1255

    Bodybuilding & Sex!!!

    Nah, he's not creative enough to entertain himself, that's why he needed his life is back to sucking the dust of the abyss!
  13. Area 1255


    That sounds ominous!
  14. Area 1255

    Ligandrol Bulking and Cutting Attributes list.

    Its really nice stacked with YK11!!!
  15. Area 1255

    Androgens for Depression : Are they Nature's Intended Prozac?

    Any other thoughts from the brave members of this forum?
  16. Area 1255

    Different Types Of Kratom Strains. Color, and Effects. Most Euphoric, Energy, etc...

    Sorry Presser, the main intent there was information and the "Medical Uses". I can edit the other two. :D The first one is actually stuffed with mostly research links.
  17. Area 1255

    Ligandrol Bulking and Cutting Attributes list.

    Nice, I believe its the best "true" SARM out there!