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  1. X

    Is a year old MC IGF 1 LR3 still good to use?

  2. X

    Does IGF-1 LR3 cause and increase in Hematocrit levels?

    Thanks. From the lack of response, I suspect this is not a typical issue. I did read that IGF can increase red blood cell production. I can going to take another blood test in a week or so. If my results drop considerably, I will update this thread. The increase could have also been due to...
  3. X

    Does IGF-1 LR3 cause and increase in Hematocrit levels?

    Mine has increased to about 56. I know test can cause an increase but I have actually decreased my test levels. Since my last lab test the only change in my protocol other than decreasing test was start using IGF. Thanks, XXL
  4. X

    Does using IGF-1 cause your glucose level to rise?

    Thanks for the responses. You confirmed my thoughts.
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    Does using IGF-1 cause your glucose level to rise?

    I started using IGF-1 and have noticed that my glucose level has risen. I was wondering using IGF-1 could cause this. Thanks
  6. X

    IGF-1 Effects

    Obviously, you get a good pump on the muslce where the IGF-1 is applied. Based upon your experience, what are the effects on the other muscles in the body? Is there any effect on the other muslces? Thanks.
  7. X

    IGF-1 when not working out

    Do you mean just a day off the gym or a week or longer break? Personally I use it preworkout and use higher doses. Meant days off from the gym. I work out 4 days a week so I have 3 days off from the gym. Sounds like people apply on those days to but may or may not lower the amount.
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    IGF-1 when not working out

    Do people ever apply IGF-1 on days they do not work out?
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    More IGF for The Dude

    What does SEO mean? Thanks for the response. I appreciate it.
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    Applied IGF-LR3: Two days later still have a red spot

    Hey, both injections where done to perfection! LOL However, I agree with your virgin tissue conclusion. I have not hit virgin tissue in so long, that I forgot it can hurt a few days. I will let these clear before I inject again. It looks like no one dilutes and that is good to know. Thanks for...
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    Applied IGF-LR3: Two days later still have a red spot

    I do not think I hit a vein. The skin is only slightly red not a bruise. I think the muscle is a little inflamed and that is what causing the skin to be a little red. That why I was wondering if anybody diluted the stuff.
  12. X

    Applied IGF-LR3: Two days later still have a red spot

    Scar? Nobody said anything about scars. WTF! and that doesn't mean Well That is Fantastic! LOL. I don't think I will scar, I hope this will clear soon
  13. X

    Applied IGF-LR3: Two days later still have a red spot

    I applied 25 MCG (2.5 IU) two days ago in each bicep. At application sight still a little sore and have a silver dollar sized red spot. Is this typical? Do some people drawn bac water into the syringe too to avoid this? If so in what proportion to the peptide? Thanks
  14. X

    Practical Questions Regarding Using MC IGF-1 lr3

    Thank you! Your response was extremely helpful. I greatly appreciate it. I would probably first try injecting per-work out. My plan would be to inject 45min before and then wait about 15 min and have a Leanbody Shakel (290 cal with 21g of carbs) and 4 rice cakes (160 cal with 32g of carbs). I...
  15. X

    Practical Questions Regarding Using MC IGF-1 lr3

    I believe MC's IGF-1 comes already mixed. (let me know if that is wrong). From other posts I can figure out the dosing. I assume it needs to be refrigerated, Correct? Since it comes pre-mixed, what is the shelf life? Now lets assume you leaving the house in the morning and not working...
  16. X

    What are your thoughts on taking IGF-1 L3 while taking CJC 1295 W/O DAC & GHRP-2

    Morning and after work out 100 mcg of CJC 1295 W/O DAC & 200 mcg GHRP-2. I think I am going to cut back GHRP2 to 100 mcg. Before bed 200 mcg each of Semorelin and GHRP2. I have a prescription for the Semorelin and GHRP2. I added CJC 1295 W/O DAC because I wanted to inject more than once a day.
  17. X

    What are your thoughts on taking IGF-1 L3 while taking CJC 1295 W/O DAC & GHRP-2

    I am currently taking CJC 1295 W/O DAC & GHRP-2 with test and decca (relatively low dose of 200MG per week of both). Any reason I should not add IGF-1L3? Thanks!