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  1. Powderguy


    Look here fellas, just because the name says POWDERGUY doesn't mean Im a source. I love to play In the snow, or I love to bask in baby Powder for all you know. Stop asking if im a source or Pm'g others asking If I am..IM NOT A SOURCE and I will forward all PM's of this nature to the reps, like...
  2. Powderguy

    snowed the fuck in

    get the shovel out..its chest day day! haha
  3. Powderguy

    Green light

    oh she cut them off alright! I got them back sterile and beat up but they are still mine..soprano..well maybe a
  4. Powderguy

    Looking for a low solvent low BB Testosterone Phenylpropionate

    1.8 in a 20ml solution with what was mentioned will hold at a higher concentration with greater solvent.
  5. Powderguy

    Sustanon and deca recipe needed

    250. depends on if its premixed powder or if you have to add all the substances together. Just now that sust is just as painful as Test Prop.. Prop doesn't bother me anymore though so just man up. Thanks Presser..
  6. Powderguy

    Sustanon and deca recipe needed

    You don't want to mix them my friend. Its because they have different release times of esters and a high MG/ML will cause pain. The 400mg your describing I promise you will cause pain. You should just do more frequent injections. The Deca recipe is good, there are a bunch I have tried and true...
  7. Powderguy

    Green light

    And that's why I don't have a woman anymore..mine used to sit in her purse. I have them back now all damaged and beat up. You have to keep your balls with you at all times brothers or they will get flung around like a sling shot.
  8. Powderguy

    snowed the fuck in

    Yeah we got tons in Montana, I loved it. I love those snow days with family and such.
  9. Powderguy

    NPP vs. Deca Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    Mine was a little less accidental..hahaha I rubbed in on my shoulder, lathered that shit down... sat down and scratched my that's a fuckin boat ride!!
  10. Powderguy

    NPP vs. Deca Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    Nice Broscience right there.. I love NPP, it definitely puts on quality muscle...I look at it like a mix of Eq and Deca. T4 to tickle the old testes huh? I use Icy
  11. Powderguy

    NPP Powder (Nandrolone Phenylproprionate) Picture, texture and Smell

    NPP has a nice crystalline look to it. Pure NPP will not have any distinctive smell but will also not hold at high doses over 125mg/ml. I love NPP and making it is somewhat a pain I the ass as it isn't dissolved merely by room temp. It requires coiling or mild heat in a swirl bath. NPP...
  12. Powderguy

    Tren Ace 200mg/ml

    That is good advice and it is correct. EO is not well tolerated by most.
  13. Powderguy

    How much do you heat your brew?

    Its Fahrenheit, I'm not working metric. If you go higher temps you will degrade. You can add everything together and use that temp as a basic, we are warming it to saturate the solution, not trying to cook it. If you keep it low, heat it, let it cool some, make sure it holds at room temp then...
  14. Powderguy

    Testosterone Enatate injectable GSO cloudy looking. Benzyl Alcohol Benzoate question

    What's up fellas? Presser, I can see where that would drive you crazy, it did me too when I started in this field. However, when your dealing with total volume a percentage is a better base module for calculation than just saying so and so mls. Until the formula is right its a basis to start by...
  15. Powderguy

    mass builder pharma

    Any more feedback on these guys, just seem to have disappeared..
  16. Powderguy

    Tren Ace 200mg/ml

    Tren ace at 200 and test p at 200 painless? Im going to call bullshit. First 6-fingers is a reseller, hes not a chemist, I know his full name..I can prove this-stop believing everything you read on the net At 75 mg Tren ace gives you one hell of a coughing spell, just imagine it higher, you...
  17. Powderguy

    Family Emergency Please Forgive My Lack Of Presence and Responses Member/customers

    Family first brother.. This is why you need a back-up person.. just saying (im here) lol
  18. Powderguy

    Bigger Stronger Faster on Netflix

    The guys that's all messed up made me wonder what the hell he was doing, anyone know for sure?
  19. Powderguy

    NPP vs. Deca Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    Thanks bro, because of this article NPP is not as cheap as it was anymore lol The only thing is I don't agree with weight gain, NPP will be build quality lean muscle over time but I have never gained that much in 10-12 weeks. maybe 16-24, maybe. Favorites with NPP: Test P Tren Ace Igf HGH Test...