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  1. M

    Own experience during doping control

    Haha, Sherlock. Let me restate the question, maybe it will look less suspicious Are you sure about any detection times from your own or others experience?
  2. M

    Own experience during doping control

    So nobody to contribute? With anything?
  3. M

    Own experience during doping control

    Nah, I am just trying to figure out if rumors around oral T-bol, stanozolol detection times are true or not (new statements about 6 month detection window) and anavar (7 weeks). I think these are one the of the most used pre-contest drugs and there is nothing about those rumors, just scientific...
  4. M

    Own experience during doping control

    Can you guys spent a while a write down following (example) - I am trying to do new detection times table - more actual First - write down what have you been using and time when you cut the cycle before competition Dbol - 3 weeks off before comp Tbol - 2 weeks off before comp then result of...
  5. M

    Turinabol in Sports

    Because since this information has been spred out, i never heard about somebody get caught retrospectively and they are talking about hundreds a hundreds..
  6. M

    Turinabol in Sports

    So, is this information confirmed or is it fake or something?