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  1. P

    igf-1 lr3 this stuffs incredible

    I have enough left for the rest of this month then I'm going to decide whether to get more or take a break. It's definitely worth it and I'm getting good results so I cant complain
  2. P

    Was skeptical at first…MC IGF-1 lr3

    Hey man besides being on trt dose of test and using a little whey I don't use many supplements. I stopped taking preworkouts because the pumps with IGF are better than any supplement Ive ever taken. The IGF does cause a bit of lethargy after I workout so I crush a fair amount of coffee at work...
  3. P

    New to peptides - injection sites

    I wouldnt mess with hamstrings but I rotate between delts, tri's, bi's, lats, and pecs
  4. P

    Was skeptical at first…MC IGF-1 lr3

    Just took advantage of the sale and placed another order. I wasn't sure about MC's igf at first but after using it for a couple weeks I'm up in weight but leaner with no change to my lifting or diet. If you are hesitant about giving them a shot just pull the trigger you won't regret it. Thats my...
  5. P

    igf-1 lr3 this stuffs incredible

    oh legit I love this stuff and don't want to go back to lifting without the pumps it gives, thanks for the answers guys
  6. P

    igf-1 lr3 this stuffs incredible

    hey guys new here i just started mc igf 1 and the stuff is incredible. Just wondering how long I can run it cause I see a lot of conflicting info on cycle length?