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  1. B

    Favorite shoes?

    sneakers I usually always wear Nike..I never have any problems with them..others that I have tried made my feet numb during cardio!! :(
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    A Question about Estrogen!!!!!!!

    Thank you sooo much!  I truely believe that you are correct.  This is why....I just got back from South Beach Florida and my diet and cardio took a change for the days prior and after my vaca.  Here's what changed....  I did only 20-30 mins of cardio (running) 3 days a week ( as apposed to...
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    A Question about Estrogen!!!!!!!

    :) Hey guys- Yes, I do alot of cardio!  However, when I cut back on the cardio, last year, I did get it for 1 month.  I think that it does have to do with the amount of cardio that I am doing.  But what else can I do to keep my body where it looks good? (I already lift)  Maybe, I should focus on...
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    A Question about Estrogen!!!!!!!

    Well- I was on birth control and still did not get it!!  I had to stop my pill and I had to try this.  See how fun it is to be a woman? Bug
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    I need a new workout!!!!!

    Hello, I wanted to try something new with my workouts!!!  I am a female....24years old,5"8, and 13.45% BF. I want more lean muscle!!!!  I want to focus more on lifting than on cardio.  Right now I do 1 bodypart a day and about 4 to 5 exercises/ 3 to 4 sets of 15 to 20 reps.  Then I do about...
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    Interval cardio workout

    I know that there is such a controversy regarding the interval workout vs. the long endurance slow cardio workout.  Which do you believe works better for fat burning with no muscle burning?   Bug
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    A Question about Estrogen!!!!!!!

    Hello, I have a question about Estrogen....I never get my period, therefore my doctor prescribed 6 high dose Birth controll pills (take with in 2 days) so I can get my period.  My nutitionist said that it will stay in my system for about 3 weeks and causes bloating and water retention.  What...
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    want to get ripped in 6 weeks

    Hello, I have a question about Estrogen....I never get my period, therefore my doctor prescribed 6 high dose Birth controll pills (take with in 2 days) so I can get my period.  My nutitionist said that it will stay in my system for about 3 weeks and causes bloating and water retention.  What...
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    Hey W8lifter... How is that type of diet working for you before the comp?   Have you experimented with other diet types in the past and found that this works best or what?  Love to hear your feedback!! Bug
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    want to get ripped in 6 weeks

    :) Hello, I just wanted to give you all an update.  I am down to about 13.3% BF.  It seems like a pretty slow process this time.  I had a few bumps along the way.  I got the flu for a week and needed more carbs than usual.  This set me back about a week or so.  I have 2 weeks until I leave. I...
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    Ladies - boxers or briefs on your man?

    I so agree with Dezir and Enchantra!!!!!!!
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    What style of bikini do you wear?

    Ya know something that makes my boobs look bigger!!! Seriously -  I like the triangle top and the string sides!
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    .< You all are all so nice!  Thanks for the supoort! :)
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    want to get ripped in 6 weeks

    Thanks for all your input. In addition to lifting,  I am currently doing the low impact cardio 3 days a week and 2 days of high imoact cardio.  I have used the stacker before and it was effective. I'll let you know how it goes!! Thanks so much! :)
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    <!--QuoteBegin--Presser+Feb. 24 2002,22:53--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Presser @ Feb. 24 2002,22:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--> Thanks for posting my picture! -Bug
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    want to get ripped in 6 weeks

    Hello, I also posted this on the anabolic forum. I was on the androstat poppers 150 for a month and they I put on 1.5-2lbs of muscle. However, it also put a good amount of fat and water on me too. I am going to South Beach,  Florida in 6 weeks. I am a female 135lbs. and 5'8. (15% bodyfat.) My...
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    Hello everyone- new member

    Hello,  I just wanted to introduce myself.  I am a 24 year old female from NJ.  I am so excited to learn and hear what you all have to say about bodyuilding and fitness!   .<
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    To New Female Members

    Hello, :) I just wanted to introduce myself.  I am a 24 female from N.J.  I just started logging on and I'm real excited to learn more about bodybuilding- fitness etc!!!! :)