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  1. S

    PSL - HGH Question

    I'm looking to pull the trigger on HGH, like today while I have it. My question is " Is all the HGH shipped from overseas or is there any for domestic USA delivery"? Looking to try the Soma or Grey Top. If any of the reps could let me know that would be great. shoot me a PM or if permitted...
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    new steroid cycles question

    I don't get any bloat (or very minimal bloat) of the EQ. Its one of my favorites. 750 test, 600Eq, and 50mg drol a day for 5 weeks is a very good cycle with min bloat IMO. I say that comparing the use of Drol to Dbol. . . Dbol bloats me a hell of a lot worse than drol. The Eq should make you...
  3. S

    Halotestin ... Information on Halo is provided.

    Have some valium and Xanax on hand. . .that shit is the only thing I have ever taken that would make me want to slap my momma!. Lot literally, but you will be on EDGE for sure. I think the term roid rage came from halotestin! its the devil, but will harden your ass up!
  4. S

    Little PSL sample pack :) Including 2 new products!

    looks like water based test suspension. what mg? 50 or 100
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    GENOTROPIN Pharmacy grade HGH Back in Stock! GREAT FOR FAT LOSS!

    Just way to pricey IMO. I'm getting 100iu kits for damn near that price all day long. With lab works... I'm not knocking PSL at all. I hear great things and the pricing overall looks very fair. except for the GH part of it. Again, just my opinion and I hear you guys are doing great things. If...
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    Test Enanthate - Sub Q Injections

    ill pull a few threads and articles ive read on it and post.
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    Masteron Enanthate

    Thanks bro. I just started the Anavar also. I just started week 11... running 20 weeks total week 11-16 vary week 11-20 mast & test week 1-5 I ran 750 test w/ 50 mg winny ED ... .dropped the winny and just stuck with test 6-11 and no, no pics man, not in this type of forum bro. another place...
  8. S

    Test Prop and Masteron as TRT

    I'm with you Presser. Its weird. I've very oily right now too, all day long it feels like, no acne thank god. I will occasionaly (very rare) get a stray pimple but that's it.
  9. S

    Masteron Enanthate

    Gentleman. I started running my my Mast Enanthate last week at 500mg (with 750 test wk and 60 var daily) Couple questions. When did you start seeing results and did this also increase your sex drive? I"ve done countless cycles and currently 6'2 241 11% (as of last night) 36yrs youmg
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    Test Enanthate - Sub Q Injections

    no, not yet, but been reading a lot on it on another board. doing as little as sub-q at 20 eod for trt... I was concerned about knotting up, but haven't seen any problems at this does. I've even seen where sex drive was improved from doing it this way, and not so much on IM. which kind of...
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    Has anyone ever used Eminence Labs? (their new)

    Oh man, that "DRAGON" .... yeah, stay away from that one. Shady at best like PG said.
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    Test Enanthate - Sub Q Injections

    Any of you guys taking Test E or Test C via Sub-q ...... appx 20mg ed (or your thoughts)
  13. S

    Purity Source Labs FRIDAY SPECIAL! 10mL vials TESTOSTERONE BASE! 48hrs only!!!

    TNE prior to workout.. How many MG are what else are you taking? I took suspension and loved it (only 50mg per cc though) and did it pre-workout ED.
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    Has anyone ever used Eminence Labs? (their new)

    good luck. what else are you running with the drol? sorry, never heard of them either
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    the wife will be starting a psl var log very soon

    very nice... and might I add... great diet. she eats better than me
  16. S

    First time TNE Use

    yep, similar to suspension, only suspension is water based. AND THE SHIT!!! I love suspension
  17. S

    Your first cycle how old were u and how long did u research before using gear?

    I was 18, my senior year in HS and did a cycle of Suspension with Halotestin..... had no idea what I was doing, did zero research (mid 90's) and did this during football. Loved every second of it. Best cycle ive ever done . LOL And if I rememeber right I was throwing in some STEN as well...
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    Dianabol only cycle tips and facts

    I see these threads every week. Its ridiculous.
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    Need some advice on first steroid cycle.

    agreed. do not switch up the test. what dosage do you plan on taking. I only ask because 12 weeks of prop with the tren and IFG is a lot of pins! lol.
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    MC IGF1 LR3

    Good to know. That does help. Thanks guys