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  1. Calmb4dastorm

    How long will I have to work out to firm up my abs?

    Nothing beats a failure but a try! I will cheer you on! We are here to help you all we can. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  2. Calmb4dastorm

    How long will I have to work out to firm up my abs?

    Like the other posts say, it greatly depends on what your starting point is and diet is essential. You can't put a time frame on it because everyone's body varies at the rate fat is burned and muscle is built. Once you lay down a proper foundation of diet, you can do various exercises that...
  3. Calmb4dastorm

    Anadrol 50 Cycle , Side Effects, Dosages. Oxymetholone in Bodybuilders

    Awesome info. Thanks for posting! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  4. Calmb4dastorm

    Are Traditional Testosterone Stackers Outdated?

    Great post! Things that make you go "hmm..." Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  5. Calmb4dastorm

    Bad Week! Some Scum Bag Keyed My Brand New Truck!

    I hope your son gets well soon! And that you are having a good weekend, Presser! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  6. Calmb4dastorm Female Fitness & Figure Contest Show Prep.

    Great info! Thanks for posting! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  7. Calmb4dastorm

    6 week tbol cycle female log

    I am glad you posted!!! I am definitely following your log! Keep us updated
  8. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    Thanks for the insight!i have been reading females getting good results from Clen and T3. I will order Clen for sure. I have the others but probably should stock up just in case
  9. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    👌 gotcha. I will run next cycle at least 10 weeks then. Thanks guys for the input. Any suggestions on compounds to run are most welcome!!
  10. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    I have stock piled info on most popular compounds females have used successfully. I have just over two weeks to lay out my cycle. I want to put on a little more mass
  11. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    Never. It was first time for me. The only guidance I got was from males. It was suggested to cycle for 6 weeks since it was my first time to see how my body responded to the compounds. The sides were minimal. My next cycle will definitely be longer.
  12. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    Thank you. I want to possibly cycle primo and EQ for six weeks and run Var week 1-4
  13. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

  14. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

  15. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    I just cycled off 100mg npp week 75mg EQ week with 25mg Test p weekly. Six week cycle
  16. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

  17. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    What are you guy's perspective on females and AAS? I'm on my second cycle and planning to cut first of April. I welcome all views
  18. Calmb4dastorm

    New to forum

    Thanks Bros! I forgot to say I'm female 😂