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  1. Odinsblood

    IFBB 2015 Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure, Bikini Contest Schedule Dates

    Damn!!Presser I will back on here soon and with a new drive.I have been in the process of buying and closing on a house brother,also have been down with a few small interstitial tears in the distal tendon of the supraspinatus.Hope to hit the Masters next year.All I can say is damn..LOL Will...
  2. Odinsblood

    Beginning of the END! Court Rules Students Can NOT wear American flag Shirts in Calif

    You brothers have a great day, its work time.The time is coming to make a stand or join the rest of the sheeple, never thought I would live to see this.....Take care my friends!!!
  3. Odinsblood

    Beginning of the END! Court Rules Students Can NOT wear American flag Shirts in Calif

    I didn't read all post, but FUCK THEM!!I served this country fuck those mother fuckers that want to change America and take our rights especially whites rights away....It's about time for a revolution.....Damn this shit is baffling and white people need to stand their fucking ground!!!
  4. Odinsblood

    New Incentive For ALL Members. FREE Store Products Every Month!! Read Details Here!

    Nice Brother Presser, working so much just trying to find time to get online now days,Damn slave drivers...LOL
  5. Odinsblood

    3wks out from show cycle

    Hey bro, you girl is in awesome shape man, both of you go tear the fucking stage up!!!!
  6. Odinsblood

    Baltimore Rioting

    The only way to stop this shit is to kill a few of them or more,good thing I don't live around there I wouldn't hesitate to mow there sorry asses down, it has to stop!!!!!
  7. Odinsblood

    Who's Buying the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao Fight This Saturday?? I AM!

    I hope many wins, can't stand that arrogant little bastard mayweather. Who else thinks that fucker is on something GH or something, shit he never ages or not much, keeps his speed,with all his money he could pay for a new product to be produced,,LOL. Just speculating..... - - - Updated - - - I...
  8. Odinsblood

    My bros third baby boy

    That is awesome,nothing like like bringing a new precious life into the world.I remember mine being so small and the feeling of holding them is the most amazing feeling in the world!!!
  9. Odinsblood

    Mother-Fucking…….I.R.S. …...

    There are no skid marks right...LMAO, brother that wasn't a rant the fuckers are crooks, an illegal entity and should be abolishes.They keep them around to rob the working class so the rich don't have to pay......Fuck Them!!!! :)
  10. Odinsblood

    newbie but an oldie

    Welcome my brother and mate from down under, good to see you, shit bro you would do damage on stage,,,;)
  11. Odinsblood

    trenbolone cycle

    Alot of good advice , you can run tren 100 eod and that seems to be best for me or you can run it every day.With sustenon I would run that every 5 days to keep levels more stable.Sustenon has been my baby over the years and through experimentation I have learned its e 5 days not 7 or 8,7 or 8...
  12. Odinsblood

    Fucking Rude ASS Foreigners!

    Its all good I am right there with you we avoid crowds so I don't have to hurt some one..LOL.You actually handled better then I would have , those fuckers in our country look down on us.With all thats going on I always give the fucking foreigners an eat shit look while we are out, andd I will...
  13. Odinsblood

    Bad Week! Some Scum Bag Keyed My Brand New Truck!

    Im glad the man is ok brother, tro much shit going around now days, thanks to all the foreigners being allowed by ass wipe our illegal anti president to flood into our country.Yea make them fix it right the last thing they want is bad publicity, I have been there and they ended up fixing my car...
  14. Odinsblood

    New Member

    Almost time ot bring this 5'5 240 lb ass back down a few lbs..LOL, Started clen today, have some t3 on the way and glucophage to help with insulin sensitivity. :) Will start a separate log when I get this cycle under way....
  15. Odinsblood

    Arnold Calls out Judges

    He( Porter) came to powerhouse gym in Memphis Tn , if my memory serves me right and was a all around good guy...:)
  16. Odinsblood

    New Member

    Thought I would throw up one more....:)
  17. Odinsblood

    Please help my hand!!!!!!

    Every day with the igf, every day with the bpc 157 (twice a day if you choose with BPC) 250mcg to 50mcg 2 x a day, your choice. I pin my wife once a day. I am going to start running during my heavy training just as an added edge to speed healing everyday. Brother I have asthma and it kicks the...
  18. Odinsblood

    Please help my hand!!!!!!

    I like cjc 1295 with dac 1000 mcg 2 x a week, was using GHRP 2 for pulse to add to constant bleed (I read where the bleed will not interfere with the normal pule either). But have discovered that MK677 works better when added to cjc with dac then GHRP 2. Go this info from someone that has been...
  19. Odinsblood

    Hitting the kids aquarium today

    Awesome brother , you guys enjoy the day!!! Twins, that is awesome also....Love my kids and my 6 yr. old grandson...:) Have a blast..