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  1. G

    Test Prop Question

    I think d-bol is a much better option for jump-starting a cycle.  Regardless of the half-life of the injectable steroid, I don't notice anything until a couple weeks in.  I've started out with prop, and the same is true for that.  D-bol on the other hand I feel right away, so I would suggest...
  2. G

    shots in quad

    I prefer straight leg.  I sit on the toilet and prop my leg up on the bathtub, resting my heel on the side.  If I'm shooting my right quad, I grab my quad with my left hand and sort of pinch it, pulling a handfull of thigh up.  Then with my right hand I stick the needle in the side of the quad...
  3. G

    Weekly Lottery

  4. G

    what do you do..?

    I'm the merchandising manager for a manufacturing company.  It's a global position, so I travel a lot.  When I'm in my office, I spend 80% of my time in front of my computer and 20% in meetings.  I party really hard on weekends though because I spend mon-fri pent up in a corporate environment...
  5. G


    Springfield, Mass
  6. G

    What music gets you pumped for a workout

    House for cardio and metal for weights. Static-X, Drowning Pool, System of a Down to name a few.
  7. G

    OK, how much sex do you need?

    A few times a day is ideal.  Although, being single right now, it proves to be quite a challenge.  lol  I pulled it off last weekend though.  I hooked up with some broad saturday night and she chilled with me all day sunday.
  8. G


    Thanks for the compliments.  I'm 200 lbs @ 8% bodyfat.  My training is low volume, 4-8 sets per muscle group.  I take all sets to failure, or beyond failure with a spotter. Presser, yeah I'm a moderator at  I moderate training, diet & nutrition, and the anabolics forum.
  9. G


    Hey, that's me.  Cool. I haven't been by in a while.  Good to see you're still going at it presser.