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  1. J

    1-Test cyp and Eq

    I'll see if I can post some links for you to scope out
  2. J

    Video of home brewing

    Bump for that ass
  3. J

    1-Test cyp and Eq

    I've never run eq this high. I have see many logs of guys that have run all sorts of doses and swear that this compound doesnt shine until you are well over a gram a week. I donate blood regularly.
  4. J

    get ripped with the tug toner

    Inquiring minds want to know lol
  5. J

    1-Test cyp and Eq

    Looking for some thoughts on running these compounds together. I'm thinking for 20 weeks 200mg test cyp 400mg 1-test cyp 600mg mast e 1.5g eq Potentially anavar somewhere in here . I want to hear ideas on binding affinity , reduction of eq to dhb, anything that will tip the scales either...
  6. J

    Have had good results stacking EQ, but everyone else says its a waste?

    I get the back pumps too... Man if it's one thing I hate it's getting that pump from just being at work. Constantly stretching to try and loosen up. Donate blood!! It works wonders.
  7. J

    3Js Nutrition Network Contest!!! Free Coaching!

    Same here. I'm trying to get the Mrs pregnant, I'm sure if I wasn't floating around tipping the scales at 270 I'd be in a better position. Good luck to everyone here! I might just sign up with 3j once I'm down to 245-250.
  8. J

    How long till it ends?

    Presser.. man, I'm sorry lol. In the future I will work on keywords in my title. And I will also link the article so the images been be viewed.
  9. J

    Breaking Research Shows New Benefits for Nandrolone

    I can't wait to try out Npp. Good read , thanks.
  10. J

    Another option when building muscle?

    Supplement with lactic acid and caffeine makes athletes' muscles bigger If you and I even vaguely resemble the lab rats that sports scientists at Ritsumeikan University in Japan use for their experiments, then it would seem that we can build up more muscle by taking a supplement that contains...
  11. J

    How long till it ends?

    The more anabolic hormones your body produces, the longer you live Your life expectancy grows, the more anabolic – and fewer catabolic – hormones your body produces. Researchers at Harvard Medical School reached this conclusion after performing a molecular-epidemiological study on 925 men and...
  12. J

    Oh no pct

    Sorry about the wording, this article was translated
  13. J

    Oh no pct

    Hormonal steroids users irreparably damaged after a few years - despite post cycling therapy A typical anabolic user has their hormonal irreparably damaged after a few years, discovered endocrinologists from Copenhagen University Hospital. Their study raises the question whether the use of...
  14. J

    Contest for 175$ in credit at pct-shop thong or yoga pants contest

    - - - Updated - - - Yes pink thong... I'm going to plow my wife when I get home
  15. J

    Estrogens friend

    Aede de Groot, Willem Koert In this chapter we will deal with the working mechanism of the enzyme aromatase. In the chapters 10 and 11 we already have presented the enzyme aromatase, but now we will discuss its working mechanism in depth. This will explain why some steroid hormones aromatize and...
  16. J

    Testosterone enanthate vs propionate

    This is my reason for enjoying short esters much more. Much more controllable, and you can always throw in a little long ester to get bloods higher if need be.