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  1. G

    How do you jab and inject fast or slow??

    Depending on the base oil and the pin guage/length, it can take me up to 2 min's per cc.
  2. G

    Help HCG injected by intramuscular?

    Actually, absorption is faster with IM than with sub-q because there is greater bloodflow to extract the injection from the muscle and put it into circulation. *edit* Looks like MaxRep beat me to it, lol.
  3. G

    Stubborn back

    If you want to get big and thick, you've got to lift super heavy weight. The only back exercise that allows you to lift a ton of weight (literally, ok, maybe 1/2 ton) is the deadlift.
  4. G

    Question about Vasodilators?

    Most BP medication (e.g., calcium channel blockers) work through vasodilation. So that's definitely beneficial. The problem common to a lot of these BP meds is that they can really take it out of you after you reach a steady state.
  5. G


    Wow! Thanks for the kind words, "Chief Coordinator." lol. And chaines, don't sell yourself short, bro. I think the "look" of the '70's bodybuilders is totally attainable if you consistently put forth some serious effort for 10-15 years. It's the modern look that is, at least for me, totally...
  6. G

    My pic and a question

    ROFLOL! Think I missed that thread, but this is very funny stuff!
  7. G

    My pic and a question

    LOL! Looks like you took a page outta my training log, LA. Even after nearly 9 years of serious training, those exercises still represent the core of my routine....very instrumental to my development. Great advice here!
  8. G


    Re: Hmmmmmm? LOL! Bro, you're talking about pro bodybuilders. I think most of us are looking for that "look." lol. Don't plan on reaching that goal after one cycle. It's gonna take a long time of training, eating, and pharmaceutical use to reach that goal. So there's no need to try to...
  9. G


    Some are, others aren't. The CID's I'm using right now are 250mg enanthate.
  10. G


    LOL! Yeah, it looks like he's offline now, but I'd change up that cycle a bit too. If he wants to go 12 weeks first time out, fine, but he should run the testosterone out another 5-6 weeks past the boldenone. No sense in starting PCT a couple weeks after an EQ inject when that stuff is gonna...
  11. G


    500 IU's daily 2x/week (e.g., Sat. & Sun.) throughout your cycle. Because you're using all longer-acting stuff, you could wait until weeks 4 or 5 to start the hcg.
  12. G


    Re: Bridging 101 Not necessarily. The problem is the blood tests were conducted under the influence of exogenous drugs. The real proof of viability would be whether testosterone and LH levels would remain at baseline after withdrawal of all of the exo stuff. To be sure, blood tests would...
  13. G

    Can you get lasting gains from oral

    Yeah, but your lipid profile took a dump.
  14. G


    I have always loved the ICN's. Those darn amps are always overfilled by 2/10 cc. LOL. Seriously, great product, have never had a problem, and from what I've read, they're so cheap that faking them isn't worth the trouble. Glass is very tough, however.
  15. G

    deca and test-e detection questions

    Welcome! Unfortunately, the nandrolone metabolites will probably do you in. More than likely, nothing short of urine substitution will prevent you from testing positive.
  16. G

    Best Dead!!

    SWEET BRO! You are progressing very nicely. That 610 would be a total joke, now. I'd say you're good for the big 7 if you can keep your head out of the way and let your body pull what it's capable of pulling. Last night, I pulled 665 x 5 (full reset reps) and it almost killed me. I was up @...
  17. G

    Protecting your source

    Good post bro.
  18. G


    It's my opinion that you're going the wrong direction. Instead of adding more volume and dropping the weight, I'd recommend dropping the volume and increasing the weight. Try something like this: 60 x10 100 x 6 145 x 8 x 3 sets For even better results, I'd rest pause your working sets. That...
  19. G

    Why is it we all seem to have the mentality

    Congrats on your successes. HRT is nothing to sneeze at bro! You will benefit tremendously by maintaining a high normal testosterone level. No doubt about it! Combine that with a bit of GH to push your IGF-1 levels up to the point where they used to be, and you'll be livin' large while...