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  1. S

    Future bikini competitor

    Looking good, and nothing looks better than a shapely woman in a bikini. Not to sound like a perve, but I think we'd all like to see some bikini pics--you cannot start a thread like this and not post any. Yes, I admit to being a guy with a bikini fetish--for me they are better than lingerie for...
  2. S


    I believe if one wants to get technical I once read that the Department of Health calls aging a disease. However, I feel age is only a number. I see a lot of people and many young people who are such in bad shape that it seems pathetic. It is one thing to be born with a condition, but not taking...
  3. S

    Diaries of An Ectomorph

    Well, my goal is to get up to 265 and then 285, but I feel that is impossible. I suppose joining a real gym may work? Any advice? I currently workout in my basement (better than living in my parents basement, but not much). I have a squat rack and bench and a few dumbbells, a mustache bar, and...
  4. S

    Diaries of An Ectomorph

    Ectomorph, it just sounds like the freakish of all body types to be cursed with; like anorEXIA sort of. And the double-death? Skinny-fat body-type! That is me. I have a solid 10 years of lifting under my belt. When I started I was a small-fry in the gym and still am. I weighed 170lbs. at 6'2"...