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  1. xandermerlin

    Cruisin w/Test E n Var...Advice Nedded

    afternoon gents n thanx 4 the helpful advice. well reason 4 the Sust stoppage, was lack of product due to my source. So since i already had the Test Prop, just went along with that 2 finish. Thats not my personal pic on avatar, just sumthing i found that represents my love into Fitness n My...
  2. xandermerlin

    Cruisin w/Test E n Var...Advice Nedded

    Plan was to intro the Var into my Cruise for 8wks, after that just continue my Cruise for the remainder of the 16wks, than Blast again!
  3. xandermerlin

    Cruisin w/Test E n Var...Advice Nedded

    Stats Age - 41 Weight - 205lbs Height - 6'0 BF% - 12% Good morning ladies n b4 i dive head first into anything, i like 2 gather as much info as i can n make sure i do it just right. im currently coming off the following Blast: Wks 1-16 Sustanon 750mg/Wk...
  4. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    aftrnoon gentleman...Nurse.Rogue "LET'S DO IT" we should keep track on r progress, itll b interesting 2 c the results! send me a friend invite n ill keep u posted on my start date n if anything changes. SemprFi Iron-Game n i definitely plan on keeping a log on here bout my progress, itll b fun...
  5. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    thanx 4 all the help gentleman, Presser, Lumpy n Mountain Man. i knew i had come 2 the right place. ill b starting xactly on Halloween 10.31.16, so if i have any more questions until than or even aftr i hope u guys dont mind me asking. take care....SemprFi
  6. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    n thats y i seek advice on these forums, thanx Presser 4 ur help. so than my Blast would look as follows: Wks 1-16 Sustanon 750mg/Wk (250mg.Mon/250mg.Wed/250mg.Fri) Wks 1-18 Adex .5mg/EOD Wks 1-6 Turinabol 50mg/D Wks 15-18 Winstrol 50mg/D Wks 1-18 HCG 750iu/Wk (375iu.Sun/375iu.Wed) is this...
  7. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    aftrnoon gentleman n thanx 4 the compliments. yeah i figured that BF% count was off, didnt seem 2 think i was 20%. so aftr taking ur advice Presser i would inject Sust 750mg/Wk (250mg.Mon/250mg.Wed/250mg.Fri)? should i consider throwing in sum Adex .5/EOD? i know Tren would b supreme, but i just...
  8. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    hey Presser was thinking of a much basic Blast than the one i had written above. its as follows: Wks 1-16 Sustanon 750mg/Wk (375mg.Mon/375mg.Thurs) Wks 1-6 Turinabol 50mg/D Wks 15-18 Winstrol 50mg/D Wks 1-18 HCG 750iu/Wk (375iu.Sun/375iu.Wed) what u think Presser?
  9. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    here ya go Presser. it aint much at the moment, but its a work in progress!
  10. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    aftrnoon Presser n thanx 4 answering back. its good to know a well respected n xtremely knowledgeable individual as urself would consider helping me out, thanx. well to answer your question, no i dont consistantly maintain a proper diet n training regimen n thats been my problem. i mean when im...
  11. xandermerlin

    2016 Fall Blast Critique

    age 40 weight 192lbs height 6'0 bf 20% goals fat loss,lean mass bmr 1821 tdee 3487 (Cruising for the past 8mths Test-E 300mg/Wk (150mg.Mon/150mg.Thurs) n HCG 750iu/Wk (375iu.Sun/375iu.Wed) Meal 1 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat 2 Whole Eggs 147/13/0/10 5 Egg Whites 100/17/0/0 Oats - 1cup 300/10/54/6...
  12. xandermerlin

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    thanx as always 3J
  13. xandermerlin

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    afternoon 3J n no i havent read your proper wow t and measurements protocol? would u b so kind as to send me the link?
  14. xandermerlin

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    AWESUM 3J...ive already copied down your recommendations n i plan on doing what u said buddy, u aint "DA MAN" on here for nothing! well my goal is to cut, i know u cant gain n cut at the same time. also as u mentioned ill just cut off the Post Shake on my non-training days n on last meal at...
  15. xandermerlin

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    evening 3J, hows it been? well to answer your question, no i havent started the above mentioned diet. im waiting to start at he beginning of cycle, but as of now im just getting everything ready, as i dont start anything until im completely ready. so how would u tweak my diet, including my off days?
  16. xandermerlin

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    im guessing since my activity level is Heavy Exercise, thus the high caloric intake my body needs to maintain my weight. ive done it on about 3 different multipliers n they all register between 3100-3500kcal/d. if u have a different way of measuring it, ill b more than happy to go by ur...
  17. xandermerlin

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    evening 3J...well i used the multiplier on You are a 40 year old male who is 6'0 tall and weighs 198lbs with heavy exercise= 3,185kcals/d
  18. xandermerlin

    Free Diet Advice from 3J

    age 40 weight 198lbs height 6'0 bf 21% (fat weight 43lbs, lean weight 155lbs) goals fat loss,lean mass bmr 1848 tdee 3523 Meal 1 Calories/Protein/Carbs/Fat 2 Whole Eggs 147/13/0/10 5 Egg Whites 100/17/0/0 Oats - 1cup 300/10/54/6 Totals 547/40/54/16...
  19. xandermerlin

    16wk Lean Bulk Stack Critique

    Happy New Yr gentleman... thanx Presser, but im always very thorough befor i start my cycle. but would u agree that after 1cc line i inject 2 lines down it would b 360mg n after 1cc line i inject 3 lines down would b 390= 750mg?
  20. xandermerlin

    16wk Lean Bulk Stack Critique

    so Dorian the measurements in the picture r correct? so if after 1cc line i inject 2 lines down it would b 360mg/Mon n after 1cc line i inject 3 lines down would b 390= 750mg am i right?