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  1. Macho313

    Dogecoin Holders Here?

    Bro it's kind of crazy that you posted this and I seen it because all day I've been talking to people as I work with the general public about crypto's but mainly my favorite which ETH. Reason being. I first heard about them I think it was 2017 and it was trading for about $0.50. However back...
  2. Macho313

    Sustanon cycle

    If you wanna remain fertile you might wanna, add some HCG in there, and I can't remember if I seen a AI in there but if not you might wanna add .5mg of Adex 2 or 3 x a week... Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  3. Macho313

    Injectable Winstrol Recipe 50mg/ml

    Yea but why would you want to with the quality and the price of MCT oil? Or even better 50/50 MCT/Mig840 Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  4. Macho313

    3rd Go with MC's IGF-1 lr3

    Don't wait if like a pump that makes you stop training halfway through your workout because you feel like the muscle is going to burst through the skin. This is no exaggeration. You can't beat the nutrition shuttling benefits you get from it as it acts like insulin when it come to shuttling...
  5. Macho313

    Injected in my IT band.

    Oh yeah what kind of compound was it just test or something exotic? Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  6. Macho313

    Injected in my IT band.

    Yea brother deffinetly. I mean I figured I wasn't telling you anything you didn't already know because I know you're a veteran. I just figured maybe something I said could help and I hope it did[emoji120][emoji120][emoji120] Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  7. Macho313

    Injected in my IT band.

    Hey brother hope everything is good with you and yes this exact same thing happened to me about a year ago then I did some research and found out you should not inject into your quads at all. It's just too risky there's too many nerves and veins that can cause crippling pain for a week or more...
  8. Macho313

    Sustanon melting point

    So technically the highest melting point would be the propionate which is 252°F but considering you're using solvents you do you not have to take it to the melting point of the prop in order for it to hold. You could put it around 150 to 175°F and keep it there for 20 minutes. Always let it cool...
  9. Macho313

    Filiing vials - pipette

    So you shouldn't have to use 20% BB even at 400mg. I would only use probably 15%BB. You don't have to worry about it crashing as it will hold with only 10% but I would use 15%BB anyway. So there's a few things that come to mind. The first thing is Test E is known for some batches to cause PIP...
  10. Macho313

    Filiing vials - pipette

    Let me ask you this are you using a magnetic hot plate with a stir Rod or are you making it in a water bath on the stove top? What percentages of BA, and BB did you use for the Test E@400mg? Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  11. Macho313

    Filiing vials - pipette

    Bro don't forget to make some posts with information that could potentially help other people, and not just questions. Even if it's just what you using now and how it's working for you. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  12. Macho313

    Filiing vials - pipette

    2 things that are much better is a bottle top dispenser, and a peristaltic pump. If you don't know already a bottle top dispenser ultimate top ecology l45 media battle but make sure you get one set the sensors no more than 20 ml or it won't be so accurate. Also make sure it's not a cheap one...
  13. Macho313

    peristaltic pump filter setup info needed

    You got it bro. Beaker, pump, capsule filter, and if you get one with a filling bell you would attach it to a lab stand and have the filling bell sitting over top of a GL45 media bottle. Check out a "whattman pollycap 36as with filling bell" on Google and you will see what I mean. Any other...
  14. Macho313

    peristaltic pump filter setup info needed

    Well it's hard to say but usually depending on the tubing you're using 2.5 bar equals around 35 PSI. Why don't you post a picture of the pump for a link to it so you can get a better answer. Also what are you using it for filtering, transferring? stuff like that.. More importantly I would...
  15. Macho313

    Bromocriptine to combat trenbolone related side effects.

    Very good question.. Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  16. Macho313

    Bromocriptine to combat trenbolone related side effects.

    Mucuna pruriens I would say probably work better bromocriptine at a fraction of the price when it comes to stopping prolactin levels from getting to high. Why? They are full of L dopamine an amino acid and the body converts L-Dopa into the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine stop prolactin...
  17. Macho313

    TNE/Dbol/Anadrol Injectable Recipe

    Here is the recipe that I use for my Dbol, TNE blend which I call ignition.. let me know you think I can get away with less solvents or maybe doing something different with the heat or time? I appreciate it. Ignition Test Base @60mg Dbol @20mg 2%BA 20%BB 20%EO 20%G Carrier=MCT Sent from my...
  18. Macho313

    TNE/Dbol/Anadrol Injectable Recipe

    Sorry bro I'm not trying to be a negative Nancy and I know I commented on a post a day or 2 before this one, but is there a certain temperature this needs to be taken to and kept that for a certain amount of time? Because again I've never tried with this exact recipe. However I definitely...
  19. Macho313

    Injectable Winstrol Recipe 50mg/ml

    Is this tried-and-true because I've never been able to get that much to hold, but overall never tried that much heat. Ive had problems getting it to hold with 25mg/ML BA 2% BB 18% 10%G 50/50 EO/MCT Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
  20. Macho313

    PCT & HCG Help

    Look up Dave palumbos fertility protocol. I'm doing as we speak. Been on it for about 40 to 45 days..... Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk