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  1. M

    How often do you have a cheat day?

    I am in the process of cutting and almost all of my meals are clean (i.e. grilled chicken, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, whey protein, skim milk, lean red meat). I realize I should have more veggies and fruits, and I will down the road. I am not counting calories at this point. Instead, I am just...
  2. M

    How does IGF-1 come prepared?

    I can draw the amount I wish to inject directly from the bottle without adding anything? Also, if I order today can I get it before Saturday?
  3. M

    How does IGF-1 come prepared?

    I have never used this before and am considering making a purchase. I know this is a stupid question, but I want to have my ducks in a row. Does the IGF-1 from MC come prepared or along with the BA and AA. I am assuming it does not come reconstituted. If so, then what's best to reconstitute it?
  4. M

    Anyone know whats going on with the orders from the MC store?

    I was considering ordering some IGF-1 LR3. Any updates?
  5. M

    Favorite delt exercise?

    I would like to see some delt routines. Also, do you dedicate a day just to delts or do you incorporate them with chest or another body part.
  6. M

    Is IGF-1 LR3 right for me?

    Just a little background information. From 2002-2007 I intermittently cycled with Test, Tren and Winny. I stopped all anabolics in 2007 and my gym time greatly reduced and even came to an outright halt. In fact from 2010-2015 I probably hit the gym no more than 30 times. In fact, as time...
  7. M

    College football

    I love college football. I find it considerably more exciting to watch than NFL. In the NFL everyone is fast, strong, disciplined and big. College football has a much larger discrepancy in terms of talent, which allows for much more exciting plays. I just finished my 3 shift rotation and will...
  8. M

    Fina pellets...are they still around?

    I frequented the boards at the time Operation Raw Deal went down in 2006 or 2007. I didn't get caught up in anything but it scared me straight for quite a while. The fact your personal info can be in someone's email and LE get a hold of it just makes me to uneasy. I'm on TRT now with a very...
  9. M

    Fina pellets...are they still around?

    Several years ago, fina pellets were very popular and readily available with very little hassle. Is that still the case today? Is it still a good alternative? Any new associated legal risk? Thanks for any insight.
  10. M

    Just had my first baby!

    Congratulations. My daughter forever changed my life 3.5 years ago and gave me a greater sense of purpose. It's almost mesmerizing to watch them grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Each year brings new joy and I think I have smiled more in the past 3.5 years than all of my previous...
  11. M

    Cris Cyborg and the Quest to Reach 135

    I would like to see her fight Rhonda at 135lbs. Rhonda is a phenomenal fighter, but there is not much depth to her weight class. Consequently, she has never been truly tested. Cyborg would test her and then some. I doubt if we ever see a Rousey vs. Cyborg. Dana White and the UFC have done...
  12. M

    Great board

    Just wanted to quickly make a post and say hello to everyone. I have been off of the forums for almost 10 years and the one I use to belong to seems like a ghost town now. Anyways, I came across this site and I am very impressed with the layout and the plethora of information. I look forward...