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  1. V

    Is vasoburn bullying?

    I've never gone to planet fitness just dosent seam right for me to help encourage people who go there when they single out the serious gym rats and bust balls I don't eat bagel or pizza pre or post workout it may not be for me
  2. V

    DMSO and Inflammation , Arthritis and the FDA. Dimethyl Sulfoxide Many Uses

    Funny this showed up.I just got a bottle yesterday
  3. V

    Test shot sub q

    It hurt I.skipped abs for a couple of weeks
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    Test shot sub q

    I tried it had a lump for 3 weeks 29Gage pin
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    Steroids yes or no?! How much years i need to start with steroids? 😀

    If you are here to learn it is best to introduce yourself then look listen and learn this is a wonderful place to learn and grow mentally and physically the brothers here help.each other and follow the rules or face presser wrath best for luck on your journey
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    antibiotics in Mexican grocery stores

    If your really looking I would look for veterinary it's what I use I get amoxicillin in 500 count bottles
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    Yo... new here

    Welcome brother
  8. V

    New member here

    Welcome brother
  9. V

    New Here

    Welcome brother
  10. V

    Is vasoburn bullying?

    I see a lot of chatter about vasoburn on fb dose it worked anyone use it before
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    d bol capsules

    Never thought of blowing rails of dbol
  12. V

    Turinabol (TBOL) Best of Both Worlds

    I hate winnie but love tbol@50 mg it is a potent oral and very cost effective I put it in to the end of my bulk ~deca test and it started to dry me off in about a week it is a great choice for a lean bulk or cut
  13. V

    Tren base

    I love tren base I.have 2 bottles I'm.saving for a.event I have coming up as a rework out 75mg is all you need I pin and take a hot shower by the end of shower You feel it just pumped and tight and it lasts 7_8 hrs I have 100 mg in oil pip is nothing to sleek of and it runs through a 28g slin...
  14. V

    Anyone ever try MENT (Trestolone Acetate)

    Agree I love tren but I have to deal with feeling up.down on it I would love to try a low dose ment run just don't have the ambition to do it till more brothers give it a run first
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    Turinabol (TBOL) Best of Both Worlds

    Sounds like a.solid cycle how long gonna run
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    Welcome Tack-It

    Welcome brother
  17. V

    Turinabol (TBOL) Best of Both Worlds

    I'm not a big fan of orals but I love tbol it's dry makes you strong as hell and no zit explosion all you can.ask for in a oral and much cheeper than var
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    New Guy

    Welcome brother
  19. V

    Women's libido

    Looks like my wife is going back on var then thanks presser