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  1. M

    Why Men Shouldn’t Run Oral Only Steroid Cycles

    Thanks brother, I'll try searching for that. I just don't see a short 4-5 week so terrible as we think but maybe the criticism is more for not maximizing the actual gains we can achieve.
  2. M

    Why Men Shouldn’t Run Oral Only Steroid Cycles

    Also if I supplied myself with a test cyp shot 250mg on Monday, I would like to know how long it would take that shot to get me at my baseline or above my normal test range. I guess what I'm trying to get at is.... If I run a dbol only cycle for 4 weeks why would I need a test as a base? Now if...
  3. M

    Why Men Shouldn’t Run Oral Only Steroid Cycles

    I would like to pick your brain a bit. If one were to run testosterone at let's say 400mg week... When would the endogenous testosterone be shut down or sever suppression? How many weeks or days?