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  1. F

    When to eat carbs after ketosis for best aesthetics results?

    Me and a friend are seeing who can come in most shredded at a event and to drop body fat i'm doing ketosis, my question is should I eat carbs the day of event or day before?
  2. F

    When to eat carbs after ketosis for best aesthetics results?

    Me and a friend are seeing who can come in most shredded at a event and to drop body fat i'm doing ketosis, my question is should I eat carbs the day of event or day before?
  3. F

    When to eat carbs after ketosis for best aesthetics results?

    Me and a friend are seeing who can come in most shredded at a event and to drop body fat i'm doing ketosis, my question is should I eat carbs the day of event or day before?
  4. F

    Will your body keep gains after your genic peek when you cycle off gear?

    Will your body keep gains after your genic peek when you cycle off gear? or will you have to stay on juice to stay past your genic peek?
  5. F

    PCT Question

    Doing a 8 week testosterone cycle The website i'm getting it from offers the following for pct ARIMIDEX, AROMASIN, CLOMID, LETROZOLE, PROVIRON and TAMOXIFEN I would very much appreciate recommendations.:)
  6. F

    Questions about my first cycle

    I will switch to your advice!
  7. F

    Questions about my first cycle

    Sound right before I start doing this? Iv put a lot of research into this and just want to make sure before I start.:bber: Test C 250mg, 1 shot a week for 10 weeks (2 ML a shot) from no advertising sources! 23 gauge, 1 inch needles For my PCT i'm thinking RED-PCT from No...