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  1. coverton341

    Test suspension

    If I'm doing ED pins I rotate through each side of glutes, each side of ventroglutes, each side for delts, and each side of lats. That gives me eight spots to pin so I never use a spot sooner than a week. The main problem for you that I see is having both water and oil based which leads to more...
  2. coverton341

    Test suspension

    Don't mix oil and water in the same pin Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  3. coverton341

    Test suspension

    First time using suspension? Is it oil or water based? Since testosterone is a hydrophobic steroid hormone, water based suspension will sometimes clog up the syringe because it doesn't readily suspend in water. If it is oil based it could just be particulate matter of a less than perfect...
  4. coverton341


    I'm assuming that you are taking tren a due to the mg on it. If you are pinning mon/wed /Fri then you are roller coaster riding the hormone fluctuations. Some people have no problem with that schedule and some people have a hell of a time dealing with the sides from the inconsistent blood...
  5. coverton341

    Legit dnp still out there

    Coinbase is your answer to the bitcoin woes. It has a daily cap if you only tie it to a bank account, but if you have a credit card it is a higher limit. The problem is that most people get scared of the "tied to my bank" aspect, which is a valid concern, but if you only work with a source that...
  6. coverton341

    Legalizing steroids

    Well, now you've hit on a totally separate subject that I could speak at length about, so I will. First, marijuana. It is for all intents and purposes illegal in the law of the land. Even in states where it is legal for medical or recreational use it is still a federal crime, just no one gives...
  7. coverton341

    Legalizing steroids

    Marijuana keeps the people sedate and manageable. It lowers motivation and the will to challenge the status quo. It allows a person to sit by and find humor in the drivel that pollutes our airwaves. It's a means of control. Steroids on the other hand allow a person to be bigger, stronger, and...
  8. coverton341

    Help with a Cycle Set Up

    It's all good, I just saw the same info and same question being asked against the recommendation already given and figured you were just going to press on regardless. Personally I would run 12 weeks minimum, with winny in the first five to six weeks at 30 to 40mg a day. Not a huge fan of...
  9. coverton341

    Help with a Cycle Set Up

    Eight weeks of cyp and two weeks of only winny seems like a poor plan. I looked through your post history and you've been told that before though, so I don't know what you are looking for. If you are hell bent on doing what has already been advised against, why ask again? Sent from my SM-G928T...
  10. coverton341

    D'bol and oxy injectable use pre work out

    I've used injectable dbol, but not oxy. I used the same protocol as the oral version, which for me is 30mg an hour and a half before heading out to the gym and 20mg about an hour after getting home and having a meal. I noticed maybe that it kicked in a bit quicker. That's about it. I always...
  11. coverton341

    Tri-Tren Cycle

    "as long as your diet and workouts are on point" Fucking thank you for that. Yes, tren in general is an extremely good compound for cutting up and getting that chisled look, but only if you are dialed in. I see lots of people hop on and then piss and moan because after the cycle they don't...
  12. coverton341

    Tri-Tren Cycle

    I personally would switch to a plain tren ace test prop cycle if I was only doing 8 to 10 weeks. For me personally, the long esters are best run up to 16 weeks but if I'm honest, I just B/C and have blasts that last until I think my bloodwork looks iffy Sent from my SM-G928T using Tapatalk
  13. coverton341

    Rookie cycle questions.

    No problem. Good luck with your cycle. Sent from my SM-G928T using Tapatalk
  14. coverton341

    Rookie cycle questions.

    I don't want to say anything negative about your friend, but if he is suggesting pct half way through a cycle, I believe he may have a faulty understanding of the human endocrine system and how fsh and lh work in the male body. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I've spent a good portion of my...
  15. coverton341

    Rookie cycle questions.

    I have questions. Why do you want to do a "small pct" at week eight? Pct is something that you do to get your natural production to start up again. If you do it in week eight while still introducing exogenous hormones to your system it is going to do literally nothing aside from waste pct...
  16. coverton341

    Your best cycle.

    Test prop, npp, dbol, and adrol. Best bulking I have done. Dual orals were fine, toxicity is over stated a bit by my estimation. Sent from my SM-G928T using Tapatalk
  17. coverton341

    PharmacomStore Olympia contest $300

    1. Heath 2. Dexter 3. Winklaar 4. Ramy 5. Compton 6. Rhoden Sent from my SM-G928T using Tapatalk