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  1. Scrachbox

    New cycle time to grow

    Wellp bloodwork came back great been off my trt dose for 12 weeks now. Ran HCG and clomid as prescribed by my endo. And now its grow time. Sorry havent posted for a while either these forums are no fun while im natty lmao. Anyways i really havent messed with to much differnt types of gear just...
  2. Scrachbox

    Sex drive during contest prep

    If she really likes you she'll understand. Last comps i did my sex drive went non existent 6 weeks out. Took another 4 weeks after i finished competing to get some what of a libido lol. For me personally tren and letro plus the super low calories kill my sex drive. I promise you everyone else on...
  3. Scrachbox

    Gym Rants

    What pisses me off more then anything is the new trend over the past few years of dudes wearing leggings at the gym. I'm sorry but if you wear spandex leggings at the gym you are gay. It's cross dressing. Don't give me bullshit about how you HAVE to wear spandex leggings because you need "full...
  4. Scrachbox

    Dbol dosage / when to take

    Got it. I'll try splitting it up a bit and see how that goes. I typically take 1 rest day every 8 days right now. Would it make sense to take on my rest day as well?
  5. Scrachbox

    Dbol dosage / when to take

    Hey everybody ! Alright so I've done my fair share of research and it seems everyone has a different opinion on this. I understand Dbol has a 6 hour half life. I never typically use orals. Just moderate dosages of injectables. Anyways I'd guess for optimal blood levels you would want to dose...
  6. 2411413


  7. 2387117


  8. Contest pics

    Contest pics

  9. Scrachbox

    sus pip... am I being a Lil bitch?

    Stop pinning quads!! Glutes are #1 delts are #2. Rotate all 4. My first cycle ever I always pinned quads and got terrible pip with 23g. Way too many nerves in the quads IMO. I also message area after pinning for 10 minutes rather be safe then sorry.
  10. Scrachbox

    4 weeks out pictures

    As they say be an X not an H. I will be a fkn X!
  11. Scrachbox

    Superdrol Methasterone Cycle Guide

    Back when I was 18 or 19 I took Hdrol and put on a solid 10 pounds and had zero logic of PCT. Had zero side effects. Next I grabbed a bottle of Superdrol a few months later...after two weeks I was up 15 lbs had terrible lower back pumps, and calf pumps and got some nice gyno! Never again would I...
  12. Scrachbox

    Clenbuterol: Proper Usage by 3J

    No growth. Tren A, test, winny , clen, and t3 as far as gear goes. Also taking caber and arimidex.
  13. Scrachbox

    Clenbuterol: Proper Usage by 3J

    Thanks Presser, sorry not trying to thread jack yeah I'm sticking with just 1 dose of 50mcg first thing when I wake up
  14. Scrachbox

    4 weeks out pictures

    Okay sounds like a plan!
  15. Scrachbox

    Clenbuterol: Proper Usage by 3J

    As far as dosing t3 , if you were doing 50 mcg daily should I split up doses or take all at once?
  16. Scrachbox

    4 weeks out pictures

    Man I've been really slacking on my posing to be honest. Going to practice with my buddy later tonight for a half hour. I just get so tired. Would you suggest posing after I eat a meal or on an empty stomach?
  17. Scrachbox

    4 weeks out pictures

    Haha thanks man I really appreciate it. Next prep will be completely different. Plenty of stuff went wrong so far so like I've said this has been a hell of a learning experience.
  18. Scrachbox

    4 weeks out pictures

    - - - Updated - - - Hold on technically challenged lol - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - to - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - -
  19. Scrachbox

    4 weeks out pictures

    Alright guys I'm 4 weeks out from my first 2 competitions ever. I've learned so much about competing and my body these last 6 months it's crazy. I'll be competing in LHW open in my first comp and LHW open and Jr's 19-23 years old my second comp. Back to back weekends. I would have liked to be...