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    MOST SHocking decision that MADCHEMIST EVER MADE!!

    ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
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    To Pork or not to Pork?

    bok bok chicken
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    Girl ?

    hit it n quit it
  5. B is gone for good!

    thuogh i started on FB, it seemed to have lots of drama, MC is where its @
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    cops paid a visit to my house

    hope all works out bro. that fucking sux man, i wouldnt know what to do
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    GOT THE INFO FROM CHEM, THANKS, MACGYVER i hope i break thru on my research: a cure for XXXX (confidential) dont trip if i break thru i'll break you off a lifetime supply of LDEX
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    Does anyone know what LIQUARIM is? LIQUIDEX was ordered, but i dont know if this is this supposed to be LIQUIDEX ? It was ordered through one of MC's sponsors RESEARCHKITS. The LIQUARIM came in a plastic bottle, (yellowish in color) it doesnt look like the LIQUIDEX ( glass bottle with clear...
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    Bulking Cycle & Cardio

    why would you do cardio when bulking?? eat heavy and lift heavy. do cardio while cutting. if oyur gonna do cardio while bulking i'd keep it real light, if 10-15 min a day (running).
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    yeah, its pretty common, everyone goes through phases of mood swings espicially when you are coming off cuz u cant lift as heavy and you are losing weight etc... it'l pass though, as for depression it'l pass as well. take it day by day, and get back into the gym, start cutting up when ur off...
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    Do not order from KELI

    AUGGHHH! this really sux! i had no probs with keli's with fast prompt service. then now this post, AUUUGHHHH..
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    blood squirting out my ass!!!

    happened once before, like a fountain
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    People are hardly posting, where is everyone???

    well as long as we have our usual WHORES!
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    waiting period

    as for me, i'm supposed to wait at least 2 more months but i know once i get my anti's ima go back on, maybe in a month
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    a story from da OTHER SIDE OF THE GAME....

    it is scary shit. i can somewhat relate with the anxiety n depression, but im on medication (paxil) to help me. everyone needs to be mentally prepared when using, this can and will affect the physical aspect.
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    waiting period

    ok, how many of you actually wait the entire time off before you start your next cycle? who's impatient and starts early?
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    Marijuana A supplement?

    I'm drug free =)
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    Quality Vet Pain

    gosh i almost forgot how it feels like when you start a new cycle. being off suxx