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  1. D

    M1t or SD cycle?'? i need help thanks!

    i dont want to inject, sorry for my bad english, im trying to ask you what list of type of supplement of testosterone for use with it!! thank you bro !
  2. D

    M1t or SD cycle?'? i need help thanks!

    Ok, thank you presser, ill be using "methastadrol" by hard rock supps, i readed in forums that is a bit underdosed, some people use it 30 till the end, ill start at 10 and be measuring my gains at 20 if are powerful, i stay there, dont want nasty sides, and testosterone? dermacrine?, how options...
  3. D

    M1t or SD cycle?'? i need help thanks!

    Thank you a lot, then i get the sd and a good cycle be 20/20/30/30 if dont get too many sides, and a good pct nolva dosage?, its good to stack SD with something? or is better alone
  4. D

    M1t or SD cycle?'? i need help thanks!

    Thank you bro, i want to try the m1t only have fear of sides, what sides can i expect? only letargy and headaches? or is gyno a risk wih m1t? if not superdrol is safer? what dosage you used and how many lbs can i expect to gain
  5. D

    M1t or SD cycle?'? i need help thanks!

    Hi im 30 years old 16% BF 8 years lifting, many cycles of DMZ and epi with good results 0 sides only mild headaches now i want to try something better for bulk lean mass between M1t and Sd cycle cannot decide, need help for peope that experienced cycles of them, dosage gains side effects needed...