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  1. K


    FUnny shit boy funny shit
  2. K

    Protein Crystals

    anyone seen this product yet. I just got a sample in the mail. THey taste like pop rocks. 20 grams per serving. 10 serving box $35. Whaddya think boyz?
  3. K

    ok married and engaged guys

    2 and a half years but it still feels like day one
  4. K

    Creatine gives me

    I was pissing the same way slip i am going to try the phosphagen see what happens if not i am going to be giving it away.
  5. K

    Creatine gives me

    was using cell tech switching to Phosphagen HP soon
  6. K

    dont be a barber

    FUnny boy real funny
  7. K

    Creatine gives me

    Diarehha bad anyone else get this and what can i do?
  8. K


    FUckin funny boy!!!!!
  9. K

    A great read on HGH

    Good read Thanks again Presser
  10. K

    Halo Yes or No?

    You the man Press!!! But looking good is all i have LOL
  11. K

    Halo Yes or No?

    I am currently taking 4.2 ius of GH 5 on 2 off stacked with 150 mg of prop eod. Also using slin post workout. My aim here was some quality muscle gain with bf loss. Its been working so far. My question is this. I have a friend who just gave me 200 pills of halo. Should I do it with this stack...
  12. K

    Eurotech Results

    Ok I am in week 4 of 4.2 ius 5 on 2 off with 150 mg prop eod and 15ius slin post workout. As of this am wieght is up 10 lbs and i am leaning out nicely. Eurotech is good stuff. Anyone else using it?
  13. K


    never seen it in that high a mcg. and you need to take it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
  14. K

    Test Cypinate From Powder?

    Harv , how many ml of oil did you mix with how many grams of cyp
  15. K

    Bicep injections

    I did a .5cc shot in each bicep once about a year ago. will never do it again it hurt so much and that was equipoise
  16. K

    Your newest member...

    Take your jacket off and stay a while. Welcome
  17. K

    mixing cutting/bulking diets?

    LMFAO!!!!! Good one Press
  18. K


    Good Luck MC BRO Have fun on the honeymoon Where ya going?
  19. K

    Best All around Test?

    Whats your fav. and Y?