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  1. M

    Reconstitution of MC IGF

    It’s gonna sting a bit, especially at first, just name of the game. Only thing I have done is draw hcg first in syringe then my dose of igf. This way it kinda thins it and also makes sure I don’t leave one precious drop of igf in syringe haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Gainer question

    If you are having trouble eating enough real food I think they can be a valuable asset. Yes they are “dirty” to a normal person, but someone who can’t eat enough and can’t seem to gain weight it might be a good addition to their regimen. Drinking 1000 kcals might be easier than eating same...
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    Anadrol Study

    Yea 50 of quality gear is all anyone needs in most cases. I think people underestimate anadrol. If you are lifting hard and putting in the work you can actually gain enough strength to compromise your connective tissues quite easily. I try to warn new people to anadrol to not let weight increase...
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    Welcome bro! You have come to the right place. What are your current goals? Back into powerlifting or more body building/getting back into shape? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Anadrol Study

    When I hear those crazy doses I know they are either lying or have some super stepped on garbage or bunk. Now I’ve never ran just anadrol only so maybe without all the other aas someone could handle a lot more though. Back to your point I too am curious about legit pharm anadrol, I honestly...
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    9/11 - Never Forget

    It was for sure one of the most shocking things I’ve ever seen. The silver lining was that after that The people of this nation came closer together than I’ve ever seen. Patriotism at its highest, flags flying everything, everyone put their differences aside and stood shoulder to shoulder...
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    Anadrol Study

    I’ve seen this study before, or one just like it, and it always gets me when i see that them older dudes were on 100mg anadrol for 12 freaking weeks. The strength increase isn’t that surprising, however, I’m curious if they were working out prior and if these fellas actually worked out for...
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    Dbol or Oxy

    I like both, so I just run them both at same time. Usually 20-30 dbol with 50-75 anadrol. With anadrol I find that aromasin/arimidex/letro won’t stop the “gyno” only thing that seems to work for me is nolvadex. But maybe I am just weird but anytime I run anadrol I have to run nolvadex or I get...
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    Heres some pics from ages 21....26/30. Starting all over again, bodybuilding.

    IMO running eq at 500 for only 12 weeks isn’t enough. Eq is very slow acting and needs to be run higher to see the true benefits. Like 800 for 16 weeks. Most people don’t like eq because they run it too low for way too short of duration. Obviously there will be other opinions on this but this is...
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    Knots after shots

    Sucks to hear man. Did you contact the supplier to see if/what they might be willing to do? It also might be good to let the rest of the brothers know who the lab is just incase this isn’t just a isolated issue and they keep selling bad gear. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Knots after shots

    Some guys just can't brew or have bunk recipe. Instead of throwing it away if you have a friend willing to do a "test shot" and they don't knot up you can recoup some of the money. Also if they don't then it's def that you are having a reaction to something in the brew. Would be great to find...
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    Knots after shots

    I would have to guess its from Ethyl Oleate or other solvent. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. M

    Hurricane Harvey Update

    I am in league city right now at fathers house. My house is in Alvin. So far both houses are dry inside. Depending on how much rain we get tonight that can change. Draining has slowed so it's taking less and less rain to get water to rise. Fingers crossed things don't get to bad tonight. Wish...
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    Rich Piana in a Coma

    Hmm I thought he was done with the recreational stuff since his divorce? Maybe got a lot of oil in vein or something? Hope everything turns out for the best. Good luck Rich. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. M

    Why does Tren raise Prolactin? (Why does Trenbolone acetate increase Prolactin)

    I don't have much prolactin issues/gyno etc. (except for night sweats) when I keep test low (150-200 max) while keeping tren around 400. I don't need near as much ai as standard blast. Trt dose of ai is all I need to keep levels is mid-high range. I would also assume all the above info would be...
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    Sterilizing Glass Media Bottle

    I do this except for baking upside down I put aluminum foil over the top and only take it off when I'm putting oil into it and quickly cap it as soon as it's filled. I have a autoclave I got off Amazon that works well too. Just depends on when I'm cooking. The clave is so damn loud when it...
  17. M

    Tren and I

    Haha I use it on cuts/burns, heals them up really quick! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. M

    Tren and I

    I do much better with low test. I just run my trt dose and sides drop a lot. And according to blood test I don't need to run near as much ai and don't need to run caber as prolactin stays in normal range. Anyone reading this please get blood work before you decide to not run caber while on any...
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    First Brew

    Yes what you have will have no issues with ba/bb. One thing to watch out for is over pressurizing the filter. You can blow it out or cause it to bypass the media. Just don't get into a rush and take breaks when needed. You will be fine bro, where ppl usually mess up is trying to make too high of...
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    First Brew

    I use grape seed for everything that is normal concentrations. However grape seed only has a shelf life of something like 2 years (which I don't think any of us plan to have it sit that long but just figured I would mention that) You can use 3cc with the 13mm for sure and yes the 3cc will...