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  1. chihuahua

    The market

    It's not too late to jump on AMC.. Don't believe the mainstream news (CNBC, etc. ). AMC is going to pop. Buy on the dips and you'll be good.
  2. chihuahua

    Trt and masteron

    I guess if you're prone to hair loss than yes it will speed it up. I personally have not experience any hair loss. Then again I'm only taking 50mg EOD.
  3. chihuahua

    Caffeine boosts oxandrolone key point of study use caffeine with orals

    I guess that's why excendrins work.. Caffeine with acetaminophen = no more headache. Do you happen to have the actual studies with regards to oxandrolone?
  4. chihuahua

    2021 Resolution

    So what type of program are you doing?
  5. chihuahua

    It’s not covid...

    I know I'm late to the game, but that's funny dude..:laugh:
  6. chihuahua

    Should I start a YouTube channel?

    Brother life is too short. What do you got to lose? It's just a youtube channel. Go for it brother.
  7. chihuahua

    Is nandrolone supplemented HRT right for you?

    I love me some npp. When I'm off I know I'm off. Shoulder and wrist pain comes back within 2 weeks. Honestly I think deca/npp should be part of trt.
  8. chihuahua

    Trt and masteron

    I'm currently back on masteron. I'm only takine 50mg eod. First thing I notice was morning wood. I would only have issues when I diet even with test 100mg/wk. Once I threw in some good old masteron everything was back to normal even on a low cal diet. Good stuff
  9. chihuahua

    Citrulline Malate - Need to know.

    Add some beetroot powder and you'll have some good pumps at the gym. It's my go to preworkout..
  10. chihuahua

    Some hair remove options

    I didn't have an issue until I started trt about 10 years. I ended up with a freaking back sweater.. lol I just have my woman shave it every other week. To be honest a lot of women actually like chest hair, so I wouldn't worry about that. It's all good brother
  11. chihuahua

    Have you been impacted by covid?

    Thanks for sharing brother. Our economy as well as you will bounce back. I'm very fortunate I was not part of our RIF. My company let go of guys that had been there for over 15-20 years. Like I said the shit needs to end already. It kills me not being able to see my family. We're really tight...
  12. chihuahua

    Cytomel T3,cytomel dosage -cytomel reviews - how to take cytome l- cytomel vs synthroid

    Yeah that's the conclusion I've come too. My little dog passed away last month, so now I'm left with hundreds on 200mcg of levothyroxine.
  13. chihuahua

    Cytomel T3,cytomel dosage -cytomel reviews - how to take cytome l- cytomel vs synthroid

    Say someone has a shitload of t4. According to this it's pretty much useless? Or am I missing something?
  14. chihuahua

    Doctor and Urologist disagree

    Where in Texas are you?
  15. chihuahua

    Dbol preworkout only?

    Back in the day I would take 20 or 25mg (don't remember) everyday for 6 weeks. Instead of taking it though out the day I would just take it all at once. I couldn't tell you if my liver numbers went up as I was young and dumb at the time. Based on my last labs (month ago) my numbers are good.
  16. chihuahua

    Steroid use and stroke

    What type of stroke did you suffer? Blood clot or aneurysm?
  17. chihuahua

    Have you been impacted by covid?

    Thanks guys.. I'm trying my best to get my shit together and I have no doubt I will. Getting my ass back to gym has been a lifesaver.
  18. chihuahua

    Training in gym with masks on.

    I beg to differ.. I lost my buddy/co-working and my uncle in August. 30% of our office caught this shit. Then again I'm in Texas. Golds was relaxed with the mandate until members starting to get sick. Now pretty everyone wears one. This crap needs to end already
  19. chihuahua

    Have you been impacted by covid?

    I've haven't been to active recently due to personal reasons. This has been a horrible year for my family. I lost my aunt a few months ago from natural causes. Then in August I lost a friend/co-worker (literally sat next to me at work) and my uncle the following week both from covid. This shit...
  20. chihuahua

    CBD flower

    CBD does work, but in my opinion you'll get more out of it if the THC remains. I'm more of an indica man.