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  1. S

    Test Prop Tren Ace NPP Dbol Cycle Need HELP after TRT disappointment

    Hey Pressor your tight i did but ehen i got another phone i wasn't able to retrive my gmail account padsword so it forced me to start all over again. Hope this didn't cause any pronlems. Maybe if possible you could metge all my posts togther in one profile. That would be much appreciated. Thx...
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    Test Prop Tren Ace NPP Dbol Cycle Need HELP after TRT disappointment

    Would like to modify my post to Bulk then Cut after Myostain causes my gains to stall Hello Presser Beem thinking of extending my cycle past 7 weeks and cutting after my initial Lean Bulk. Possibly running the 3 bottles of Cyp at 750 and leaning out a bit since i can no longer keep growing...
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    Test Prop Tren Ace NPP Dbol Cycle Need HELP after TRT disappointment

    BTW i just weighed myself and im sitting at exactly 200lbs. My scale is way off from my Primary care dr. Don't know if this helps any. Just want to keep everything out front.
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    Test Prop Tren Ace NPP Dbol Cycle Need HELP after TRT disappointment

    Nikon thanks for the detailed insight and time you put into helping me get my cycle correct. I have run NPP and Tren together knowing that they are both 19nors amd never had any unwanted symptoms. I have clomid 50mg tabs and Nolva 40mg tabs as well as a few Arimidex not enough if i was to rely...
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    Test Prop Tren Ace NPP Dbol Cycle Need HELP after TRT disappointment

    Muscle Mechanic i don't understand how tje cycle got pushed to 13wks. Gains stall after 60 days time amd time again for me regardless of bumping calories sky high! Amd no memtion of NPP. I figure I could run the tren wks 3-10 to extend my cycle but i just don't know if Myostatin will prevent me...
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    Test Prop Tren Ace NPP Dbol Cycle Need HELP after TRT disappointment

    My test levels were just a tab over 600ng. I stopped running test 400 for over two months and it still was to high. And i was really only running.5cc's one weekly. Crazy huh?
  7. S

    Test Prop Tren Ace NPP Dbol Cycle Need HELP after TRT disappointment

    Hello Been roughly 4 mounths since i was on a self prescribed TRT dose of 200mgs. Cyp. Went to Endo and was refused TRT treatment from both Endos I tried. Anywas current stats: 5'10" 186 bodyfat 15-18 Even while trying to eat well i put on a good 10lbs. of pure nasty fat! Lol Been off all test...