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  1. noworries301

    Parabolan Vs. Tren

    I’m a conservative but 200 Test 300 Tren Hex is a bomb combo with Proviron and some DBOL for the first 6 weeks then switch over to Var for the last 6 weeks plenty for me...
  2. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    Ty sir. Legs are my nemesis. Being ectomorph and running until I was 50 made it almost impossible to grow legs. In last couple years and especially this cycle I really pushed Legs 2 x per week heavy carbs the night before huge protein intake and the supps didn’t hurt. Sent from my iPad using...
  3. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    In my 12th week of Test 200, DHB 400, Tren 300(two weeks in) Mast 500. DHB will be done and will run the test Tren mast remainder. Started 215 at around 7 Percent 223lbs now last week measured 5.3 Percent BF hydrostatically tested. GREAT cycle diet was on point from beginning. 60 percent...
  4. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    At 525 with all that other help you’re gonna get jacked brutha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. noworries301

    Steroids work if.

    It’s amazing how many people think exactly what you just described. I’ve been telling people for 30 years the results aren’t in the bottle there in the gym...thanks brutha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    Here’s some from just before the BF Test. The DHB was what got me to the next level with some pretty good size for me at 6-3.5 I am very happy with this cycle Put a lot of size on my legs too which is really really my most stubborn body part Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    And of course are used those fat burners as well Clenbuterol T3 T4 etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    Thanks brother I got much leaner and quite a bit bigger I just don’t have pics without my face this picture was about 215 lbs. 7% Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    I am hoping the same mine was mct and gso yes I mixed, heated, everything I could freaking do...still hurts but it's all good I got used to it Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  10. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    Got up to 220lbs at 5.3 percent Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    I have had a lot of Pip tho and mine is only 150mg ml No sides at all except the pain Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  12. noworries301

    DHB cherry popped!!

    You're going to see serious gains my friend. Almost done w 12 week cycle with DHB, Test, Bold Cyp Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  13. noworries301

    A steroid becoming popular Test-1-cyp (DHB)

    Been running this 10 weeks. Pip is heavy duty and mixing does reduce. Will put up an in depth post tomorrow on this cycle with pics. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  14. noworries301

    Just a few pics

    Neither can i
  15. noworries301

    Good morning MC!

    LEGS too brutha Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  16. noworries301


    And you can put Number 70 on your whole body and still get black. I been trying to talk People into this stuff for years! and it’s a great sex enhancer too ��
  17. noworries301


    It’s great. You don’t have to go in the sun to get darker. But if you go out for an hour or so...BOOM you will be black and much less burning if you are prone to sunburn awesome stuff
  18. noworries301

    Melanotan II

    Mecca brutha Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  19. noworries301

    Wives that train...HARD-Pics or it did not happen

    Thank you sir.Looks kinda nice right? We are back on the Spring cycle will give some updates soon ������