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  1. C

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    This is encouraging though: "Abstract Ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) increase skeletal muscle fatty acid catabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, increase serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, elicit anti-inflammatory activity and...
  2. C

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    I've continued reading what I can find on cardarine aka GW501516 aka endurobol, I have two takeaways: 1., powder is much more affordable than liquid but sourcing legitimate, unadulterated powdered cardarine is problematic and even some suppliers of that gouge on the price. 2., there has been...
  3. C

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    What are these TUDCA, NAC, and glutathione substances of which you speak? Taking another tack on it, how much scarring, when compared to say... consuming usual-suspect adult beverages at user-chosen frequencies and in user-selected quantities?
  4. C

    Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

    Would you mind providing some detail? How long have you been taking it? Anyone else? How long? How regularly?