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  1. aldodupaul

    glutathione injections

    Absolutely!! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  2. aldodupaul

    glutathione injections

    I'm trying to resurch how it's made lol!!! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  3. aldodupaul

    glutathione injections

    Anyone Familiar with it ? Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  4. aldodupaul

    "TGC" payment Update.

    Apologies There will be no orders taken or shipping this week. The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  5. aldodupaul

    "TGC" payment Update.

    CYCLE SALES!!!!!! Some Great Deals on Cycle Packages!!!!! DAMNGOOD DEALS!!!! Pull a new list and check it out Everyone. The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  6. aldodupaul

    "TGC" payment Update.

    Unfortunately, "TGC" Will not be sending Product orders out until ALL FUNDS ARE RECEIVED AND VERIFIED , We will be treating ALL PAYMENT METHODS this way until further notice. I wish to thank all of the Forum Members for ther Support and most of all that you are pleased with our products...
  7. aldodupaul

    Parabolan Vs. Tren

    Absolutely...... The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  8. aldodupaul

    Primobolin Acetate Orals

    Sorry Brother!!! Just saw this!!!!!! I would hold on the Anavar bro, I've taken it in 2 cycles... Primo Ace Caps 100mg 50 am/50pm ED Drostanolone Propionate 150mg EOD Testosterone Acetate 150mg EOD Or Primo Ace caps 100mg 50am/50pm ED Testosterone Enanthate 300mg E3D Trenbolone Acetate 100mg E3D...
  9. aldodupaul

    The Under Estimated Steroid...

    Guys sorry, its ass long one but I want to emphasize the importance of this compound, I will be posting Artickes on compounds new and old.... stressing our options as Bodybuilders The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  10. aldodupaul

    The Under Estimated Steroid...

    The Under Estimated Steroid..... What is*Masteron( Drostanolone)Propionate? Masteron Propionate**and*Masteron Enanthate*are*variants of Masteron with a small difference. They are both injectable and are common among bodybuilders. The main difference between the two is the dosage administration...
  11. aldodupaul

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all and yours!! The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  12. aldodupaul

    Best Pre Workout

    Ghost Legand is flipping great man, best I've ever used! The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  13. aldodupaul

    Primobolin Acetate Orals

    * Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) (Methenolone Acetate) Primobolan is an oral anabolic steroid that is a little unique compared to many oral anabolic steroids. Before we go any further, it’s important we distinguish the difference between Primobolan and Primobolan Depot. Primobolan Depot is...
  14. aldodupaul


    BLoods on the Growth Clinics Testosterone Enanthate 300mg. Numbers are Fantastic!! The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  15. aldodupaul

    Primobolin Enanthate

    Hey brother. The article is on Enanthate . I'll be posting one on Primobolin Acetate oral Caps soon The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  16. aldodupaul

    Primobolin Enanthate

    Thank you Brother. More to come. The Growth Clinic Product Specialist "TGC"... We Build Better Bodies for List & Orders [email protected]
  17. aldodupaul

    Primobolin Enanthate

    Primobolin Enanthate Primobolan Enanthate, those two words almost give me an orgasm every time I hear them. There are a lot of mixed reviews on primo, most from newbies or guys who don't realize the true benefits of Primobolan Enanthate But take it from who is a true experienced primo user...
  18. aldodupaul

    Muscle mechanic Cruise

    Awsome bro!!! You are the detail king!!!@ always ha e been.
  19. aldodupaul

    Muscle mechanic Cruise

    Holidays are not what they used to be....... I'm from a huge Family and as the years go buy it shrinks, one moves, one dies, one fights, one disappears. Now it's the wife and my girls... I guess I should thank the Gods for that and move forward
  20. aldodupaul

    DHB cherry popped!!

    Treat it like a short ester injection frequency. 3/4cc -1cc with our Test Cyp or Enanthate and you should be G2G!!!!!!