Search results

  1. D

    what % of what you drink is actual water?

    Playing with sarms only right now. 👍 been natty training for well over 5 years before now. Diving back into the deep end soon.
  2. D

    very bad vision issues with warrior labs sarms

    Sounds like you got S4.
  3. D

    what % of what you drink is actual water?

    Agree with previous response. Avoid carbonated water drinks. I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day. Occasional black coffee and diet soda is OK. But don't count it as water intake.
  4. D

    gaining a lot of size with sarms

    Please tell us you're already using protein powder, creatine and have a good diet.
  5. D

    s23 and yk11 and fertility

    Never used before. I'm not on TRT or any AAS so don't want to risk a heavy shutdown.
  6. D

    s23 and yk11 and fertility

    S23 was developed to be a male birth control. From what I've read, it shuts you down pretty bad. That being said, maybe you didn't actually get s23.
  7. D

    yes 100% RAD is an amazing sarms!

    What brand of rad 140?
  8. D

    25 week cycle of sarms g2g?

    I haven't used s23, but it is supposed to be really strong, but suppressive. It's recommended to run a testosterone base with it. Will you need to "perform" during those 10 weeks?
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    Welcome to the MC forum!
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    Bodybuilding Forum - Celebrates 24 Years Online!

    Are you no longer going to be running the forum and store?!
  11. D

    New hello

    Welcome to MC!
  12. D

    Best MCT oil??

    Now brand pure mct oil. 32oz bottle about $20 on amazon
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    My first post here, sup guys!

    Welcome to MC Mark. Glad to have ya.
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    New Front Page Added TODAY!

    Looks great. Works fine on my phone
  15. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...
  16. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...
  17. D

    Slow down to add gains.

    Best training info in one sentence... "Muscles only know stress, not weight". Want a real humbling workout? Try 8 second up, 8 second down. Tiny weights make a grown man cry.
  18. D

    Super Size Your Training

    This is not a problem I often have. I never hit cables til end of workout when I'm spent from compound lifts. Half the stack is a struggle by then
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    Hip Thrusts to Build Glutes

    These are in my workouts from time to time. Use and Olympic bar and some weight to look not so wimpy.. If you're someone who cares what others think. I have a hard time not using my lower back on this exercise so I have to go slow and light I find the leg bridges work alot better...I feel it...