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  1. S

    Winstrol use and diarrhea

    Thanks all thanks u all, i knew i would get answer here. Last time i worked out on Monday, i am bit dis-pointed and feeling like i would loose all gain. i am feeling so week and getting tired easily. I am 34 now but was doing really good and lifting hell of weights. hope i will regain my...
  2. S

    Winstrol use and diarrhea

    Thanks Thank you all. I am gonna discontinue the winny ..just pinned test..i still have fever and pain where i had winstrol shot..winny is going in trash..dong wanna try it again..will add something else in 2-3 weeks
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    Winstrol use and diarrhea

    One mire thing i have doubt on Thanks 4 reply. I am taking liv52ds with marc-liver dtx following are its ingredients Milk thistle 500 mg Grape seeds extract 150 mg L-caranite 100 mg Dandelion root 50 mg Turmric 50mg N actyi l cysteine 50 mg L methionine 20 mg ..i hope its not the reason 4 my...
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    Winstrol use and diarrhea

    oh thanks, should i not pin today? i am really so tensed now, i really wanted this cycle.
  5. S

    suggestion required for winstrol

    Hello, I am sunny, i have a quick question, i am on my 2nd cycle. i pinned winny 100mg and test e 250 mg , i pinned test earlier in my first cycle no sides. now with winny being added , i am suffering from diarrhea and body pain, seem like no power left in me. what i should do. should i avoid...
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    Winstrol use and diarrhea

    Hello, I am sunny, i have a quick question, i am on my 2nd cycle. i pinned winny 100mg and test e 250 mg , i pinned test earlier in my first cycle no sides. now with winny being added , i am suffering from diarrhea and body pain, seem like no power left in me. what i should do. should i avoid...
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    Test e, Deca, equipoise and Anavar cycle

    Hello, Neeraj what u think about my cycle, is it safe? - - - Updated - - - sorry to say but i dont wanna run hcg,
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    Test e, Deca, equipoise and Anavar cycle

    Hello gearheaded, thanks for your precious reply, i want to run the cycle for long as i read somewhere that equipoise should be run for at least 16 months, and deca will also take time to provide me the results i am looking for, is there anything wrong in this cycle. should i run accutane as...
  9. S

    Test e, Deca, equipoise and Anavar cycle

    thanks rote, what about acne? i will run deca till 12 weeks only as i need to include anaver later on.
  10. S

    Test e, Deca, equipoise and Anavar cycle

    Hello everyone, I am Sunny Soni from India 34 age old, 15% b.f. i ran a Test e and deca cycle previously. I experience no side effects but acute acne on back and shoulder. Please suggest how to prevent acne here is the cycle now wanna run. Test e 500mg every week ( 1-20 weeks) Deca 250 mg...