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  1. AuronTidus

    Trenbolone and Girls....WHAT THE FUCK

    Okay Guys, I have just finished my first brew of test prop / mast / tren ace and I fucking love it. It is potent as fuck, especially the tren which has a huge downside I want to let you know in a minute but I have a huge stack for the rest of the year. Hopefully my solutions will stay clean...
  2. AuronTidus

    Filtering oil based solutions with vacuum filter (PES)

    Hey Guys, in about 2 weeks it will be my first time filtering my gear with vaccum filters and I am pretty psyched! Syringe filtering is a bitch and since I am filtering 1 liter of solutions it will be fucking stupid not to switch to vacuum filtration. I realize there is a lot of discussion on...
  3. AuronTidus


    Hey guys, I live in north Germany near Bremen. Yea, it is me in the pic. I will keep you posted!
  4. AuronTidus

    HOMEBREWING | Sealing your own ampoules

    Hey! I was wondering if anyone has experience in sealing your own ampoules pretty well. With pretty well I mean a nice round sealing without bubbles or the glas being burned. There is a small machine you can purchase like one of these: BUT...
  5. AuronTidus


    Hello Guys, since I am new to this Forum, I would like to do a quick introdutcion. I am 28 years old from germany. Training for 8 years. Start juicin' after 5 years of training. Have done several diets, cycles etc. Currently on test prop and mast prop 3x/week (year round) and low dose winny...