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  1. A

    Metformin use with a bulk cycle?

    I'm currently about to start a 20 week bulk cycle in which I'll be running 1,000 mg test e per week, 500 mg deca per week for ten weeks, six weeks of a blend of anadrol/dbol at 100 mg Ed and the last ten weeks 100 mg tren acetate every other day. Was curious if anyone has used Metformin during...
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    Letro + exem?

    I had a bout with gyno not too long ago and ran letrozole for two weeks at 2.5 mg Ed for two weeks and it went away and then started running exemestane at 25 mg Ed to stop e2 conversion being that I'm running 1000 mg test cyp per week. I missed a day on the exemestane and started to feel it puff...