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  1. H

    HGH or IGF for the Win and Best Gains

    Just a jump on sigma-aldricht website, they really sell igf1-lr3 but the prices are very different, 660€ for 1mg (came out 618€u if i take 5) 146€ for .1mg Why this big difference?
  2. H

    Your Liver and the toxicity of oral steroids

    Good thread. I too feel orals overload my digestive system at a point I've got the fulness only with 450g carbo, 300g pro 100g fat. I'm starting a UDCA (pharma grade) therapy 1 tabs 225mg every day. Not so expensive. I hope UDCA is gtg almost like TUDCA here absent in pharmacy. Thankyou.
  3. H

    Site Enhancing Oils (synthol) - a how to guide

    Curiosity I've got two SG synthol vials here and there, still unused Because I've got a concern. For example, if I usually inject in pecs the 2.5ml of daily gear dose, just after pec training, I can't workout pec again in next 4-5days. If Syntol stay more in the site and I'll follow a daily...
  4. H

    H.C.G. During Your Steroid Cycle ~VERSUS~ H.C.G. Post Steroid Cycle. BIG DIFFERENCE !!!

    Just a question Very interesting theory. Just a practical question: If I have 2000IU vial, can it last for 20days without degradation? Maybe I need to dilute with BW if the water in the preloaded syringe was not BW? Thankyou and cheers to all this is my first post here!