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  1. P

    How long do water retention stay in your body occurred from steroids?

    I heard testE is needed about 2weeks to get rid of the extra water from your body. testP also 5days. Is it true? If so, I need to stop testE 2weeks before a competition?
  2. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    I heard that Using Adex e3d for the first time. Most of the people use it eod right? simple question, adex is for losing energy/motivation? Not for gyno? - - - Updated - - - You don’t use deca and test at the same time? dbol and deca at first?
  3. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    OK. I understand and will get HCG ASAP. For this steroid cycle, do I need to shot HCG during cycle? Or 2weeks after the testE shot? Also any recommendation like what time of the day I should take dbol deca testE? Pre workout? Or morning? Thanks sir.
  4. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    Yes I read it, but Im just curious cuz other article said hcg causes gyno. Clomid and nolvadex are not enough to get back balls??
  5. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    Did you care of liver when you used Dbol only? Ok I understand testE retains water. I plan to take arimidex 0.5mg/eod also plan to take nolvadex only or clomid and nolvadex for PCT. Any advice?
  6. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    Thank you for the quick reply. I heard Dbol and deca is a great combination. Some say dbol and test/-4weeks and deca and test/4weeks-12weeks is great to start. I’m not sure if I need to devide dbol and deca. Dbol needs Deca or Deca needs Dbol? How about only deca and TestE cycle? also about...
  7. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    Hello guys. im going to take dbol, deca and testE for the first cycle. I’m not sure how much I should take and when. can anybody advice me about those gears? also I’m taking pct arimidex/ nolvedex. do I need others? Thank you.
  8. P

    Anabolic steroids cycle for bigginer.

    Thank you for all the details! ”Body will not respond well once your test is off with no supply injected.” Is this true? Though I understand test is so important for men, it’s gonna be low test if I inject test? Anavar without test will lose gains? if so, what will be happened when I stopped...
  9. P

    Anabolic steroids cycle for bigginer.

    Thank you for the reply. Yes, I will take silymarin to care the liver. Also should I take tamoxifen at the same time? and after the cycle, Clomifene? Is that correct? How much should I use those items per day/week?
  10. P

    Anabolic steroids cycle for bigginer.

    Hello guys. Can someone give me some advices about anabolic steroids? -here’s my information- •26years old. •5’8 •165lb/on, 200lb/off •Men’s physique competitor for 3years. •Training for 9years. (6days a week) I will take oral one, not injections. if you know well about steroid cycle of mens...
  11. P

    Someone competing in IFBBPro league(amateur,pro)

    THANK YOU GUYS FOR YOUR WARM WELCOMING AND QUICK REPLY! WADA(World Anti-Doping Agency) tests some competitors only when organizations or competitions offered them? WADA doesn’t move at all if no requested from them?
  12. P

    Someone competing in IFBBPro league(amateur,pro)

    Hello guys. I’m a men’s physique athlete and competing in IFBBPro after 2months. This coming competition is first ifbb show ever! I’m not American but you know we can get IFBBPro card from last year over the world! so, now I have a question. IFBB PRO League tests doping? I’ve heard IFBB League...