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  1. D

    BA amount?

    true but I'm not sure if I recieve a 2g or 4g dose of BA..It appears to be a 2 g dose, I can't imagine 2 carts in that little amount of BA. Any idea on cc difference, maybe I can measure it.
  2. D

    BA amount?

    exactly my point..
  3. D

    BA amount?

    I have the 2g and 4g kit and all viles of BA are the same amount? Is this normal? I though bigger kit = more BA?
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    you better get a big bag of ice with that cycle cause your gonna feel like a pin cussion...i do like it though
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    Pre-Contest Cycle Help

    looks like a pretty solid contest cycle...maybe some halo's the last three weeks @15-20mg..mine is very similar but my show is in October.. good luck
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    I'l be running 50mg of primo with 100mg of win, 100mg fina, 50mg provirion, and 40 mg anavar for a pretty big bb show..this will be my first experience with primo and some of the other doses so I will keep everyone informed on the results...I have about 5 weeks before a this combo starts but I...
  7. D

    ALA @ the anabolic store???

    Big Guns is sooo right! Thats the main reason I posted this so others don't make my mistake.. MODS what do ya think??
  8. D

    ALA @ the anabolic store???

    Just ordered from them thanks guys...however there is no return policy the guy basically told me to get bent..said Just because my diet, training, and knowledge were inificiant for the products to work properly he was not going to refund my $$.. That place is BS..just want to warn everyone..
  9. D

    ALA @ the anabolic store???

    I just sent them a shitty email requesting my money back or replacement or both as far as I'm concerned..and jettlagged I'm new to this board and have only posted on elite in the not sure who who is...enless
  10. D

    ALA @ the anabolic store???

    see what I mean... this is bs when a well known website is selling bunk supplements...I have no odor still to my piss and I must say that pisses me off..That garbage was $45 with shipping..hey my skin feels great cause it's f'n vitamin EEE. Anyone else order their shit...
  11. D

    Cycle Tweaking -- Help appreciated!

    I have been reconsidering the tren length, but since this is my first time using it I will see how my body reacts...will be taking quite a bit of ala and cranberry extract...hopefully minimal sides
  12. D

    Does GH change Genetics

    HGH splits your muscle cells and makes new ones..if this isn't changing your genetics I don't know what is...granted this is not passed on to your children, however in you it has been forever altered..
  13. D

    Cycle Tweaking -- Help appreciated!

    I'm getting ready to run tren 12 weeks starting 1-4 75 eod then 5-12 100+ ed along with a bunch of other shit for a contest..I almost went to chiro school..have an extensive background in soft tissue injury/treatment..NMT and then some.. Just some thoughs, I'm sure you know this but just in...
  14. D

    ALA @ the anabolic store???

    sorry guys, i did get it from syntholdirect...I forget who all I order from sometimes..maybe they have ginko..anyways still no odor anyone ever odered from them...looks like I have expesive vitamin
  15. D

    BB's when should you cut Tren before a show?

    I always wonder how they avoid that..maybe the dioderm works like spackle on a wall..hehe..ya know some of the beasts have got to have secrets behind this, they are walking pin I will be very soon...
  16. D

    ALA @ the anabolic store???

    Guys, just got this in the mail 450 mg ALA 150 caps from the anabolic store...took 3 yesterday and 2 so far today and no smell when I piss, like normal with this shit real..looks like vitiamin E caps..anyone try this and why wouldn't my piss smell..sounds like a funny question but yall...
  17. D

    Pharmaco Research

    I think he means the liquid t3, clen and liquidex...from pharmco..not me as of yet..but if I hear good things...:)
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    Liquid T-3

    bump..would like to know as well..
  19. D

    BB's when should you cut Tren before a show?

    a national qualifier..not tested...I didn't see why you couldn't but like I said some people say different..thanks for your input