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  1. cybersteffan

    how to best use this stack?

    My friends vet has the following stack still in stock: 6000mg test; 4000mg EQ; 60 x 10mg tabs of dbol; 2250 mg of tren It was originally intended for his horse's 10 weeks major bulking cycle, it unfortunately never got around to. My friend wants to use the stuff for himself. He doesn't...
  2. cybersteffan

    Muscle Building Nutrition by Will Brink

    does anyone have this this e-book for me?
  3. cybersteffan

    How much better is clen then ECA

    Ephedra raise adrenaline levels. Adrenaline can cause stress, anxiety, short temper, impatience, anger... These things can be detrimental for your erectile function. This is only a very short time after you have taken your dose and it just becomes harder for willy to erect. It attentuates real...
  4. cybersteffan

    How much better is clen then ECA

    In theory clen is superior to EC since clen raises metabolism with about 10% and EC raises it only 2-3%. But in practice, I find EC far superior than clen, because a serious dose of EC kills your hunger like hell which makes dieting so much easier. It also kills my 'emotions' for food, meaning...
  5. cybersteffan

    steroid for life?

    I kinda have stupid question which I think I already very well know the answer to, but still… I’m a bit intrigued. I have been suffering from muscle aches for years know. They still haven’t figured out what the cause is. Personally I’m kinda prone to believe the theory that somehow all the...
  6. cybersteffan

    Favorite ECA

    I only use pure and synthetic ephedrine and caffeine. I hate that herbal shit! Some L-tyrosine goes nicely with it. No aspirin, that's nasty stuf.
  7. cybersteffan

    Did you know this?

    Since when are ibuprofen and tylenol anti-biotics? They are pain-killers.
  8. cybersteffan

    Did you know this?

    Once more... I didn't. And it came as a schock too since I always use ibubrofen or tylenol before a workout since it makes the workout less painfull and thus more productive... so I thought. But both substances seem to reduce muslce grwoth. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Oct;86(10):5067-70...
  9. cybersteffan

    What to eat before cardio?

    yeah me too. just make sure you mix it with water and not with milk.
  10. cybersteffan

    What to eat before cardio?

    Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002 Sep;283(3):E565-72 A preexercise alpha-lactalbumin-enriched whey protein meal preserves lipid oxidation and decreases adiposity in rats. Bouthegourd JC, Roseau SM, Makarios-Lahham L, Leruyet PM, Tome DG, Even PC. Unite Mixte de recherche de Physiologie de...
  11. cybersteffan

    BottomLine Bodybuilding by Nelson Montana

    Well several things. A bit too much to sum up. You can find the add over here: But you know what I just noticed? They update the ultimate ordering date each day. Does no one play things fair anymore?
  12. cybersteffan

    What to eat before cardio?

    I always post nice things, bro!!! ;) Aw f*ck, it's 03.30 pm on a rainy sunday and I'm bored as hell!!! :rolleyes: :(
  13. cybersteffan

    What to eat before cardio?

    Did you know this? Well I didn't. Dunno if this has ever been posted here, but personally I found this very interesting to know. One dilemma facing athletes is whether to eat anything before cardio, and if so, what. A recent study sheds some light on this and suggests the best option. (1)...
  14. cybersteffan

    BottomLine Bodybuilding by Nelson Montana

    Anybody have this e-book? I'm once again intrigued by what they are promising in the ad, but I'm also once again scared of paying for something that turns out to be filled with worthless stuff or things you already know for years. Hey, I'm a real honest guy; if I get a free copy and like...
  15. cybersteffan

    cheapest vitamin source

    they don't have that either: here's a total list of local brands: All Pro AST Sports Science Athleten Gold Better Life BioSynergy Biotest BioVite BodyBar Cardiosport Chemical Nutrition CortaFlex CRE 8 Cytodyne Designer Protein Dymatize Nutrition EAS EAS Results Fit Ball FSC...
  16. cybersteffan

    cheapest vitamin source

    They don't sell that over here. and as much as I would really like to support the companies that support MC... ordering in the States costs me a fortune on import-taxes and shipping. So any 'major' brand please.
  17. cybersteffan

    cheapest vitamin source

    I always by some multi-vitamin at the pharmacy but I think I'm paying way to much for what it's worth. So for the experts... which brand gives you the most bang for your buck?
  18. cybersteffan

    for the frequent ECA-users

    some serious extra amount of energy for your workouts bro! ;)
  19. cybersteffan

    for the frequent ECA-users

    I mistyped! Instead of 600 mg of caffeine, it should have been 1200 mg. Is that also still ok?