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  1. S


    No dosage as of yet. Was looking at 10mg. Plus taking with IGF - - - Updated - - - Thanks. Will do once I start.
  2. S


    Not sure what’s good out there. Looking for some recommendations
  3. S

    IGF Lr3 help

    So how much in ml will I need to take. Is it. .05 so that will be 50mcg. Just seems a bit low to use.
  4. S


    You never teply back to my questions. So out here asking again.
  5. S


    Need some help. Currently the IGF lr3 bottle says 1ml/1mg (1000mcg). It’s already mix from MCAS. How much ml do I use. Trying to understand.
  6. S

    IGF Lr3 help

    1mg/1ml (1000mcg) is what the bottle says. But was told no mixing is require. Is this true? Plus looks like will have stay off for awhile since I already used one . - - - Updated - - - 1mg/1ml (1000mcg) is what the bottle says. But was told no mixing is require. Is this true? Plus looks like...
  7. S

    IGF Lr3 help

    First time. So the bottle is already mix from MCAS and ready for use? Was told it was so I went ahead and use it. Ended up being 1.5ml. Or is there something I am missing.