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  1. A

    Stanolone (DHT) injectable in oil

    No, im talking about Stanolone (DHT that real dht - 5a reduced test), winstrol hold best in castor oil with a little at 50mg/ml or even no guaiacol at 40mg/ml but it need high temp best with pulses and stirring is a must. But winnie is easy in comparision to dht. Dht will brutaly crash like tren...
  2. A

    Stanolone (DHT) injectable in oil

    Anyone made a stanolone in oil with success ? I've tried my best and wasted about 20g raw (it's not wasted at all just crashed or I get unbearable pip due to high solvents concentration) I'm thinking about adding benzyl salicylate if it increases solubility not only reduce pip? Anybody used it...